IT Systems

The IT industry is mainly faced with challenges concerning the effectiveness and value for money that are spending on IT. Chapter three, therefore, studies the costs associated with IT and the dynamics surrounding the components of this cost, the dynamics of the cost growth, and identifying the invisible and semi-visible costs. It asserts that it is difficult to determine whether one can get value from IT. On the dynamics of IT costs, it breaks down these costs into three categories which are development, maintenance, and production. The article also looks at identifying IT costs in three ways. It then goes ahead and looks at ways of managing the hidden IT costs. It studies maintenance costs which include fixing bugs in softwares and finally looks into asset statements.

Chapter four, on the other hand, looks at the review and evaluation of IT investments and looks at it through the principles of the assessment which is made up of identification of costs and benefits, ways of measuring costs and benefits, and ways of evaluating expenditure and use of appropriate evaluating techniques and measures. It then critically looks at the benefits of IT. On methods of IT expenditure evaluation, the chapter looks into return on investment, capital budgeting and an analysis of cost benefit. The article then goes ahead to study IT expenditure benchmarking and the editing and reviewing of IT systems where the authors analyze case studies of two companies which highlight the importance of addressing inefficient, old, and unproductive system to save the company from severe consequences that are brought about by the ignorance of such signs

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