The internet has affected the accessibility and distribution of products and services worldwide. The vast array of goods and services available keep growing every day, as more firms offer niche products. As a result, any product that a consumer wants is readily available without much effort. Likewise, the internet has also made it possible for customers to compare different firms that sell the same product in terms of price, quality, and delivery time. Indeed, the internet has significantly affected target ability,cost of search, and competition between companies.

The availability of the Internet has changed targetability and the cost of search when it comes to shopping for products. Primarily, search engines have made it easier for consumers to explore various preferred commodities on their computers or cell phones[1]. Additionally, the cost of looking for items has reduced significantly over the last decade because the internet eliminates the cost of traveling to various retail and wholesale outlets in search of specific it[2]. As a result, one can shop for products at the comfort of their home. Indeed, the internet makes accessibility of merchandises easy and cheaper than before.

Similarly, the internet has affected competition and decision making among companies about which markets to serve. Firstly, the internet has led to an increase in the number of companies supplying products online. Correspondingly, firms have to compete amongst themselves to make optimum sales. Companies choose to offer competitive prices or value addition to ensure they remain viable in the industry. Similarly, companies who provide mainstream items make more sales than those who sell long tail items even though, the long tail market is less crowded than the mainstream one[3]. As a result, firms have to choose between mainstream products—that are more profitable, or the long tail items. Without a doubt, the internet has brought more competition among firms and a dilemma about which markets to serve.

The internet has significantly changed how people search for products and buy them all together. It is now possible to get a particular product online and purchase it without visiting a shop physically. As a result, consumers have a variety of products to choose from thousands of online retail shops available. Additionally, the internet has also affected competition among companies and the choices of products to market. Companies and potential clients should utilize the internet to make the best decision about what to sell or buy respectively.




Lamberson, P.J. “Winner-take-all or long tail? A behavioral model of markets with increasing returns.” System Dynamics Review 32, no. 3-4 (2016), 233-260. doi:10.1002/sdr.1563.

Yang, Huanxing. “Targeted search and the long tail effect.” The RAND Journal of Economics44, no. 4 (2013), 733-756. doi:10.1111/1756-2171.12036.


[1]Huanxing Yang, “Targeted search and the long tail effect,” The RAND Journal of Economics 44, no. 4 (2013): 2, doi:10.1111/1756-2171.12036.

[2]ems Yang, “Targeted search,” 17.

[3]. P.J. Lamberson, “Winner-take-all or long tail? A behavioral model of markets with increasing returns,” System Dynamics Review 32, no. 3-4 (2016): 13, doi:10.1002/sdr.1563.

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