The cultural interview intends to gather as much information as possible about the Indian culture. The interview process will be conducted via e-mail, and I must ensure that the interviewee feels free and gives credible information about their different culture. It will also be prudent to ensure that the information shared needs not to be personal information but should reflect the cultural set up of the community in question. The interview results will be useful in the completion of my course.
Summary of the response
The culture of my interviewee has lots of expressions especially when it comes to greetings. From the reaction of my interviewee, it is difficult for an individual to greet another person without the use of body or exaggerated facial features. People will often use a handshake, a hug and possibly a large smile during greetings. The choice of facial expression and body language however varies with the kind of relationship existing between the involved parties. It is also prudent to note that the interviewee’s culture has strong emphasis on education. Children are taken to school at tender ages and are expected to accord utmost respect to their teachers. Although there are some variations between the boys and girls attending school, the culture of the society is determined to ensure equal education for boys and girls. As a result, the literacy level in the society is quite high.
From the interviewee’s point of view, there is cultural value in the area of gender differences. The male and females in this society are distinct and are viewed differently in terms physical, social and psychological fronts. The culture dictates the roles of women and men which is cultivated at early age. For instance, males are considered the head of the family with the responsibility of contributing the main income and making major decisions on family matters. The females on the other hand have the responsibility of upbringing the children and performing other household chores. Women are supposed to be obedient to their fathers as well as their husband. The male character is very much respected in the Indian culture.
When it comes to matters of religion, most of the Indian people are Hindus. However there are some Christian and Muslim faithful in the society. There is also strong emphasis on national holidays such the new year, Labor Day and the Independence Day. Parsi New Year and Telugu New Year are also celebrated in different times of the year. The community has also embraced technological advances especially in communication technology. The effects of globalization have been felt in this community as evidenced by the increasing cases of intermarriages in the community. There is also a strong cultural value in food and diets. Most of the Indian foods involve several ingredients and long procedures. If I had more time, I would like to know how a typical day looks like and also what people enjoy doing during their free time.
The interview process was insightful and rich in information. I have realized that Indians have strong cultural values just like any other community in the world. I have realized that existence of cultural differences makes a country unique. Nevertheless, these distinct cultural values should not serve as a boundary but rather should be a bridge. People should embrace cultural diversity since all people are alike and there should be discrimination based different cultures. With the increased globalization, it is prudent that we understand the different culture and by so doing, peaceful co-existence will be realized. Coming to understand and appreciate the various values found in other cultures will not disconnect us from one another, but will make world-wide communication stronger and more effective.
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