Innovative Entrepreneurial Goals

Innovative Entrepreneurial Goals


A person can never be successful in his entrepreneurship or any other field of life if he does not set their objectives right. Most people are always working hard but have little to show for their efforts. One must understand that having an idea is one thing and making the idea a reality is another equally important aspect. It is also prudent to learn setting goals and objectives as well as the roadmap for achieving the set goals and objectives (Koch & Nafziger, 2011). If one has set out the goals and understood what one needs in life, then it becomes easy to turn one’s vision to reality. With clearly defined objectives, one can easily determine where he will be in future. It also serves as a motivation to works towards achieving a certain level of success. It also makes it possible to identify distractions and make amends as soon as possible thus enabling a person to remain focused.

My goals and how to accomplish them

As aforementioned, setting goals is the basics necessary for success. Setting one’s goals gives an individual long-term vision as well as a short-term motivation geared towards achieving the set objectives. It is on this premise that I have set all my goals in order of priority to ensure that I become successful in life. After creating a big picture of what I would like to be in the next ten years, I am convinced that I will be an entrepreneur who will have a global recognition (Von Roenn, 2003). However, I am aware that this objective cannot be realized overnight but instead a step by step approach will be essential.

First, I have to complete my college education to enable me to devote my time towards the realization of my entrepreneurship goal.  I will, however, take other short courses in information technology to enable me to tap vast opportunities emerging from information technology. With increased globalization and advance in technology, it will be vital for me to be equipped with necessary knowledge for global entrepreneurship (Koch & Nafziger, 2011). Issues about online marketing and e-commerce will be fundamental in the quest for my entrepreneurship.

After completing my academic work, I will now concentrate on building my business empire. My goal is to have an internationally recognized marketplace where consumers all over the world can purchase and sell a variety of products. With the help of the internet, I will strive to ensure that within two years, I will have a marketplace of over six million subscribers. Anybody buying or selling their products from this marketplace will have to pay a certain percentage of the total value for the maintenance of the site as well as for my return on investment (Street, 2002). The market is expected to have complete over a hundred million transactions after five years of its operations.  By the end of ten years of operations, I want the business empire to be worth more than $500 billion and at least get the recognition from leading firms such as the Forbes.

It is, however, prudent understanding that implementing such an idea is not an easy task. Any idea is faced with numerous challenges and it is imperative to be proactive and deal with these challenges. One must be prepared to ensure that there is no wastage of time and other resources in the implementation of the idea.  Giving life to an idea remains one of the toughest roles of an entrepreneur. For instance in my case, it will be very difficult to gain global recognition and subscription from all parts of the world. As a result, I will be expected to spend a substantial amount of money and time to do intensive marketing of the online market. It is not an easy task to drive traffic to a website and convince them to subscribe to the services (Koch & Nafziger, 2011). Intensive promotional activities will, therefore, be paramount to the success of the empire.

I will, therefore, need to be proactive to deal with the obstacles that are likely to hinder the development and realization of my goal. To deal with the issue of money that is desperately needed for advertising and promotion, I will liaise with internationally recognized organizations such as Apple, Microsoft, and Ford among others to promote the business. These organizations may but buy my idea since they are also beneficiaries of the empire if it becomes a success. I also intend to use my knowledge in Information Technology and online marketing to leverage the little amount of money I have for marketing and promotion. My plan will be less expensive since I require no inventories and my only concern is the promotion and advertising of the online platform.


As aforementioned, the difference between a successful person and a failure depends on the level of accuracy and efficiency in goal setting and implementation of their goals. It is always wise to set smart goals and work towards achieving the objectives of these goals. It is also wise to keep on reviewing the goals and assessing the progress made in realizing the objectives (Street, 2002). This enables a person to make amends promptly thus ensuring that the success of the objectives remains of course. I believe with these insights, I will fulfill my dream of becoming an international entrepreneur.


Koch, A., & Nafziger, J. (2011). Self-regulation through Goal Setting*. Scandinavian Journal Of Economics, 113(1), 212-227.

Street, H. (2002). Exploring Relationships Between Goal Setting, Goal Pursuit and Depression: A Review. Australian Psychologist, 37(2), 95-103.

Von Roenn, J. (2003). Setting Goals to Maintain Hope. Journal Of Clinical Oncology, 21(3), 570-574.

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