Individual Behavior, Diversity, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

Individual Behavior, Diversity, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

  • What are the challenges in managing a diverse age group of employees?

As an operational manager at LL Green Corporation, I face the following challenges when managing a diverse age group of employees. First, the manager will face a challenge of resistance to change (Kunz, Boehm, & Bruch, 2011). There is a group of employees who refuse to accept the changing social and cultural makeup of the workplace. Therefore, mentality will always silence the generation of new ideas hence inhibiting progress. Second, I face the challenge of poor communication. The older and the younger employees use different communication styles hence making it easy to misunderstand someone (Kunz, Boehm, & Bruch, 2011). Third, a manager faces a challenge to implement diversity in the workplace policy. Managers find it hard to customize strategies and maximize the impact of age diversity in an organization.

  • How might diversity impact individual attitudes and behavior?

Diversity would impact the attitude and behavior of an individual if the job being done relied on the opinion of a person (Milligan, 2014). For example, in the clothing retail outlets, due to age diversity, an older employee might decide to showcase a different type of outfit than a younger worker. Similarly, there is a continuous debate in the media and other social platforms on body piercing and tattoos. The public or older employee might find it offensive to have tattoos while the younger ones take it as a norm.

  • Can diversity increase job satisfaction? If so, how?

In my opinion, diversity might not increase job satisfaction. Diversified employees feel the existence of cultural barriers, do not feel valued and also, they do not feel they have an opportunity advance their skills and experience. Therefore, older employees might not feel comfortable when working with a younger generation of employee. They believe that their positions are at risk if they do not perform well. Similarly, younger generation believes that older employee should retire so that they can occupy their positions.



Kunz, F., Boehm, S.A. & Bruch, H. (2011). Age diversity, age discrimination climate and performance consequences- a cross-organizational study. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32 (2), 264–290. doi:10.100/job.698.

Milligan, S. (2014, November). Wisdom of the ages. HR Magazine, 59(11), 22―27.



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