Indirect Strategy Memo

Indirect Strategy Memo

February 13, 2019


Mr. Arjun Patel, Owner and Operate

Harvest Grocery

2300 Gottingen St

Halifax, NS B3K 3B6


Dear Mr. Patel

Have you heard about how companies are reaping huge profits from their products and services simply because of the way they package and sell them? According to some research by Campanella, (2018), many customers in the world markets nowadays are yearning and are getting carried away by what they see on the outside of a product rather than what is inside the packet.

Single-use plastic bags are those bags that are only used ones from the time they are bought until when they are disposed of. The banning of the single-use plastic bags will have some several effects from an environmental perspective. Some of the effects are positive while others are negative and they might have some impact on our grocery company. One of the positive ecological effects of the banning of single-use plastic bags is that marine life will be safe again (Lefebvre, 2018). Plastic bags ones in the water can choke the marine animals to death and by having to ban them means that these cases will be less witnessed. One of the negative environmental impacts is that the disposed of plastic bags will pollute the environment and also make it dirty. One fact that is associated with plastic bags is that they are not combustible. This means that when one gets to burn them, they do not entirely burn and always leaves some deposits which are not good for the environment. This also produces some smoke that has harmful gasses which pose a threat to the environment and everything in it.

It would be a very positive and forward step if everyone embraced the banning of single-use plastic bags. The so-called single-use plastic bags are supposed to be used ones, but that has not been the case. People after purchasing or after they have been packaged their good with the plastic bags do not dispose of them immediately. Some of the other uses people use the single-use plastic bag include disposing of trash in their houses, going for shopping on another day among others (Groff, 2018). With their banning, the environment will be safe and all the aspects that are accompanied with it. Our grocery company will also benefit since the farmers who supply us with the products will not be affected by the environmental hazards that are brought about by the single-use plastic bags.

Lastly, it comes to action and the banning of the single-use plastic bags which for one won’t be an instant one and will take a process. People are not going to adapt easily about the banning of plastic bags, and the government may have to give them time before making some stun action towards those found in violation of the order. On the long run this will be a very beneficial move more so to the environment but in the short term time and patience will be required for the change.

Yours sincerely

Administrative assistant Harvest Grocery


Campanella, E. (2018). Plastic pollution crisis: How waste ends up in our oceans. Global News.       Retrieved from

Groff, M. (2018).Haligonians support plastic bag ban: CRA poll. Halifax Today. Retrieved from              850379

Lefebvre, O. (2018). A deep dive into the plastic woes facing Canada’s coasts and the world.           CBC.    Retrieved from     underwater-     waste-1.4827933


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