Inappropriate Behaviors at the Workplace

Inappropriate Behaviors at the Workplace

Over time, workplace diversity has been the primary cause of conflicts and aggressiveness among employees. Workplace aggressiveness is regarded as being a threat to the smooth running of operational processes in any given organization. It is worth noting that job satisfaction is an essential factor in the retention of employees. However, this cannot be attained in a setting where there are increased instances of violence, discrimination, and harassment of employees. On the contrary, there is a need to have well-outlined policies to protect the rights and interests of all employees. Common causes of aggressiveness in workplace settings include dispersal rumors, impractical jokes, teasing, and insolent comments.

In a standard setting, the management of an organization is expected to put in place measures that lead to the creation of an appropriate physical, emotional, and physiological environment.  Other than focusing on the skills of employees, there is a similar urge to ensure that the welfare of workers is also put into consideration. It is imperative to note that the prevalence of a negative organizational culture significantly affects the morale and productivity of employees. As such, the management should ensure that it puts in place measures that create a positive organizational culture and upholding of values and interest of all people.

While employees are expected to behave professionally, it is worth noting that it is not always the case that they stick to the professional codes. On the contrary, there are many instances where they engage in inappropriate activities. Unethical undertakings are actions that lead to the disruption of the normal functioning of an organization. Inappropriate behaviors go against professional codes that require all stakeholders to be treated with dignity and respect. Some of the activities that can be termed as being unsuitable include harassment, aggression, violence, bullying, and nuisance. In most cases, increased work pressure causes stress among employees.

In a work environment where there are no avenues to deal with such pressures, there are increased chances of having aggressive responses from employees. One of the common cases of aggressiveness is yelling at one another. Rather than communicating calmly, aggression may see workers raise their voices on other staffs. Not only is it disrespectful, but it also creates a harsh working environment, thus making it challenging to coordinate team activities. The argument rests on the fact that productivity and effective teams only exist in a situation where employees are treated with respect.

Aggression derails team operations and leads to individual goals as opposed to collective aims. It implies that contrary to pursuing organizational goals, there is the risk that employees will be keener on pursuing their objectives. Likewise, strained relationships among workers mean that execution of tasks would take more time as opposed to the initial plans. Institutions that have a positive organizational culture and effective communication systems are often seen as registering improved productivity levels. One of the primary factors that contribute to the creation of a positive corporate culture is having well-outlined policies that regulate the conduct of employees.

One of the prevalent cases of harassment in the organization is the belittling of workers. Junior employees are often victims of this practice, which bars them from progressing in their careers. Patronizing means that the contribution of a particular employee is not valued. It has the effect of lowering the morale of workers and productivity levels. Such cases usually happen in a setting where there is no appreciation of all staffs that they are likely to register impressive performances. Other than belittling, various threatening activities can be defined as being unsolicited. The failure to address such instances implies that there are high chances that they will be repeated in the future. A violation of workers’ rights might increase the level of stresses, thus reducing the productivity levels. The situation would make it hard to implement the organizational objectives and goal.

Moreover, many employees have in the past been victims of bullying. Victimization in the workplace settings often targets junior workers, and mostly goes against their values. Bullying is offensive and may have the risk of violating the rights of workers. In most cases, bullying takes the form of exploitation of employees with the threat of being fired or demoted. As such, most are thus forced to go against their values or interest. An example is a case with gender discrimination and sexual harassment. While gender discrimination can affect either the male or the female gender, female employees are often seen to be on the receiving end of such acts.

Focusing on many organizations indicates that male employees tend to occupy most of the senior job positions as compared to their female counterparts. The trend is based on the widespread notion that men are supper as compared to women. On the other hand, there are instances where women are offered lower wages as compared to men. The case is despite the fact that the two gender perfume similar duties.  However, such a trend has negative implications to female employees, and act as a violation of their rights. Contrary to basing promotions and compensation on gender factors, it is vital to focus on productivity levels. Offering equal opportunities to all employees is the basis of protecting the welfare of employees and promoting their performance levels.

There are also cases of sexual harassment where some employees make sexual advances on other staffs. While sexual harassment often takes the form of physical bullying, it can also be verbal. Verbal harassment entails making of statements that degrade the sexuality or dignity of an individual. There are ongoing efforts by organizations to ensure that there is the creation of policies and laws that ensure that cases of sexual harassment and gender discrimination are addressed. Other than having well-outlined policies, there are also ongoing efforts to create elaborate communication systems. Such structures will allow affected employees to make public their problems. It further provides the management with a swift way through which it can address emerging problems in an organization.

Although it is rare, there are many cases of physical abuse on employees. The cases have significantly increased instances of violence among workers. It is also an indication that there is a failure by the management to solve dispute among workers. The inability to resolve conflicts among employees may prompt physical fights. However, such instances create a harsh working environment and make it hard to foster positive relations among employees. Additionally, it is a form of intimidation on junior and new employees. Contrary to have onboarding initiatives, some organizations lack elaborate systems to address violence and other forms of inappropriate behaviors. Such a situation is a significant setback to productivity levels.

From the above issues addressed, it is evident that many factors contribute to the prevalence of inappropriate behaviors within an organization. The pervasiveness of such factors may have adverse impacts on the attainment of organizational set objectives. The argument rests on the fact that the situation leads to a negative corporate culture. Such an environment is marked by regular conflicts, individual goals, and other actions that derail the attainment of set objectives. Common causes of inappropriate behavior include discrimination of employees, belittling, abusive languages, and physical attacks. Belittling is typical in many organization here junior staffs are painted as being inferior to other employees. Belittling creates the impression that the management does not value the contribution of junior workers. It thus lowers the morale and commitment of such employees.

However, many measures can be put in place to address such issues. The creation of stable communication platforms makes it possible to resolve conflicts at ease. It further offers employees with a platform where they can communicate their grievances to the management. On the other hand, it is vital for the administration to create policies that seek to regulate the conduct of the employees. Such plans should cover areas such as gender discrimination and sexual harassment. Not only would they help to champion for the rights of employees, but they would also have the effect of increasing the productivity levels. When interacting with employees, it is advisable to maintain respect for the values and opinions of other persons. It is through respect and upholding the rights of other employees that challenges employees diversity can be wholly addressed.