Humanistic Psychology

Humanistic psychology is a perspective in psychology that emphasizes on studying human beings. It rose to eminence in the mid-20th century illustrating the work of the initial pioneers in psychology like Carl Rogers. Humanistic psychology uses a holistic approach to the existence of human beings through the investigation of social values, meanings, freedom, personal responsibility, spirituality and self-actualization (Mounier et al., 2015).Specialists on humanistic psychology study the behavior of a human being not only by looking through an observer’s eyes but also through the eyes of the person taking part in the behavior. In the field of humanistic psychology, it is believed that the behavior of a person is linked to the inner feelings and the self-image of the person being studied. The principles of wellness and fairness have informed the central values of humanistic movement though they have not explicitly been exploited by humanistic psychologists (Duff, Rubenstein, & Prilleltensky, 2016). Humanistic psychologists work with the assumption that human beings are not exclusively products of their surroundings. Humanistic psychology deals with the study of the human meanings, experiences, and understandings involved in growth, learning, and teaching. Experts in this field put much of their emphasis on the characteristics being shared by all people inclusive of love, sorrow, care as well as self-worth. Humanistic psychology deals with studying how human beings are influenced by their inner thoughts as well as the personal implications that are attached to the experiences they have. This study is not based on the instinctual drives, reactions to the external environment and other past incidences. The field takes into consideration of the conscious decisions, reactions to the inner-self needs and the actual incidences to being necessary for shaping the behavior of a person.

Humanistic psychology is inclusive of many approaches to counseling as well as therapy. For instance, we have the developmental theory of Abraham Maslow that emphasizes on the hierarchy of needs and motivation and the existential psychology of Rollo May acknowledges the human choices and the catastrophic aspects of human survival (Mounier et al., 2015).

Humanistic psychology is usually not seen as a career title but as a theoretical approach to the field. The jobs that can be offered in humanistic psychology may include working in disciplines such as advocacy, research, education, and clinical practice. Humanistic psychologists can be able to work in diverse fields. They can work in faith-based non-profit organizations which are inclusive of drug and rehabilitation centers as well as in spiritual marriage counseling facilities. Other disciplines like research and development of new humanistic theories and their connection to the general mental health of a person and other people are possible working environments for humanistic psychologists. Humanistic psychologists can also opt to run a private practice while some can be found working in government hospitals and specifically the faith-based hospitals.




Duff, J., Rubenstein, C., & Prilleltensky, I. (2016). Wellness and fairness: Two core values for humanistic psychology. The Humanistic Psychologist, 44(2), 127.

Mounier, E., Marcel, G., de Rougemont, D., Maritain, J., Buber, M., Levinas, E., … & Brightman, E. S. (2015). Humanistic psychology. Retrieved from https://www. saylor. org/site/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Humanistic-Psychology. pdf.


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