Human Resource Strategies in the County General Hospital

Human Resource Strategies in the County General Hospital

Human resource management is part and puzzle of any organization or institution where there are employees. The terms Strategic Human Resource and Human Resource Strategy often go hand in hand and are used interchangeably, but a distinction can be made between the two. Strategic Human Resource mainly revolves around the organization’s intentions and its future directions.

HR Strategy

In this case, the County General Hospital employs different strategies in human resource management namely; talent management, knowledge management, employee relations and resourcing, all which are cost reduction strategies. Low-cost strategies are balanced on the capability of the institution to produce and deliver services of competitive nature while sustaining low costs (Cascio & Boudreau, 2011). This is preferable to me because its success does not entirely depend on the external factors that may affect the institution. For example, knowledge management mainly deals with the employees’ technical knowhow and skills to give quality services.

Programs to Help in Reducing Employee Turnover

Many organizations face the problem of high turnover rates of employees leaving their jobs. This has turned to be a growing issue in most hospitals and therefore, appropriate measures are required to be taken to curb this issue. In the County General hospital, different measures can be implemented to solve this issue. Two effective methods that would help to control this problem in the County General Hospital include:

Create Mentorship Positions for Older Nurses

Older nurses leaving the hospital take years of nursing experience with them. The ones who come to replace them may have technical knowledge but lack practical clinical experience (Cascio & Boudreau, 2011). The old nurses with experience that are preparing for retirements should shift into the role that principally focuses on mentoring the new nurses with less experience. This will not only extend some nurses’ careers, but it will also improve the new nurses’ knowledge through the mentorship that they receive from the older nurses.

Investing in Employee Development Programs

Institutions, where nurse retention is high, have a high focus on the development of the nursing staff in that, nurses are trained internally, and they are given the necessary education that the institution finds worthwhile. This will also help the workers attain a good cultural fit for the organization, and it is also a strong mechanism used to keep staff on-board. By doing this, within a few years, the hospital will be able to grow a significantly experienced workforce.

Benefits of Reduced Turnover to the Involved Stakeholders

A reduced turnover will bring about many benefits to the various stakeholders involved in several ways. Some of the benefits include the following.

Reduce Recruiting Costs

When an employee leaves the hospital, the hospital has to incur required costs in replacing the employees. Recruitment costs depend on factors such as the salary level of the position that must be replaced, and the size of the base of candidates for the job to be filled (Phillips, 2012). When the turnover of the employees reduces, the need to recruit new employees is no longer needed and this, in turn, reduces recruiting costs.

Administrative Cost Reduction

Administrative costs will surely be lower with a more stable workforce comprising of a long-tenured workforce. With a high turnover, administrative costs such as paycheck discontinuance and employee orientation and training costs will be higher.

Operational Cost Reduction

A lower turnover will also condense operation costs as well. For example, in a case where there is a vacant position, the organization may have to hire an outside employee until the vacant position is filled (Phillips, 2012). This often contributes to increased operational costs. Therefore, overtime costs can be better controlled if staffing levels are suitable to meet operational requirements.

Increase Productivity

When an employee leaves, the productivity or performance of the affected organization or institution is set to reduce as this means that more time will be wasted looking for another employee with similar skills to replace the departed employee. Therefore, with a lower turnover rate, the institution will be able to maintain its productivity, which is good for the whole institution at large.



Cascio, W. F., & Boudreau, J. W. (2011). Investing in people: Financial impact of human resource initiatives. Upper Saddle River, N.J: FT Press.

Phillips, J. J. (2012). Return on investment in training and performance improvement programs. Routledge.

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