The key to financial success of any organization lies within the resources of the organization; hence all activities within the management of the human resource should be taken with extreme care. Being the employer, feedback sessions with the employees are vital to assess their performance as well as make necessary improvements. The employer is required to prepare adequately for these feedback meetings in the following steps; Acquiring and reviewing the essential materials, preparing for performance planning and conducting performance planning sessions. The necessary documents required in the first step include performance management resource guide, templates for expected job results, employees’ job description and performance planning and review form. Preparing for management planning is the second step, and it involves informing the employees of the upcoming session, the main objectives of the meeting and preparing prior drafts to the employees expected job results as well as job description review. The last step is conducting performance planning sessions, in which the various roles and responsibilities of employees are discussed, concurrence on departmental goals and strategies and the relationship between jobs and department goals is explained.
An employee should also prepare for the performance evaluation meeting by gathering information about the job, development plans and goals set for them. The employee should also develop the list of his/her accomplishments, conduct the self-evaluation, identify areas of development, draft important future goals and prepare an open mind.
Since 1954 the labor unions have changed in all the dimensions, in terms of structure, operations, and even their terms. In general, the labor unions have been of much benefit to the service providing industries, unlike the manufacturing industries. This has led to the manufacturing industry employees withdrawing their membership; hence their numbers declining in the unions. Another fact is that the membership at states like California has increased compared to the national membership. Negotiating for wages and working conditions has led the public membership to increase corresponding to the private sector as the unions are used and have power in the process of negotiation. A lot of labor unions in the US are under the two large umbrella organizations which are The American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations and The Change to Win Federation. Unions play a very critical and essential role in the modern world workplace, such as being the voice for employees and being the bargaining representative during negotiations. Other functions include resolving workplace issues, advocating for the employees and other matters which mostly affect the employee. Although unions have witnessed a decrease in their membership, the unions are still critical to some industries. Such as educators, The National Education Association is one of the biggest union in the US with more than 3 million members. It represents all kind of teachers, even students aspiring to become teachers not forgetting the retired. Other industries include public service workers, steel workers, auto workers, and electrical workers. All these industries have one thing in common, their uncertain future.
Sexual harassment is the bullying of sexual nature or promises in exchange for sex and especially at work. There are two types of sexual harassment which are
A hostile work environment is created when the speech or conduct of the parties involved is so pervasive or severe that it brings about an intimidating climate even for the person to work efficiently at his job. Examples of hostile work environment sexual harassment include sexual jokes, inappropriate touching, repeated requests for dates, etc. while Quid pro quo is a Latin phrase that means “this for that.” Mostly done by superiors such as managers, supervisors, etc. over their subordinates. Asking for sexual favors in exchange for promotion, increase in salary or to avoid termination or demotion. A good example for quid pro quo is a manager threatening an employee that he will be fired unless sex is offered. The first step to take if one is sexually harassed is speaking up, especially for the hostile work environment. Make sure the responsible party knows that you have been offended by his her comments. Another step is following the procedure laid down by your employer. If this does not go as expected file an administrative charge with the appropriate government agency. If the agency cannot solve your complaint and it’s a valid one they issue you with a letter, “right to sue.”
Organizations have sexual harassment policies which are aimed at protecting its employees from unwanted sexual advances or requests for sexual favors. Sexual harassment is against the law. Once a sexual harassment allegation is determined to be credible, a prompt and corrective measure is taken. The Human Resource Manager has various roles in sexual harassment. They include addressing the issue seriously, and disciplinary action was taken against those violating the policy. These disciplinary actions may consist of loss of jobs and other benefits and criminal penalties based on the offense. The second role of HR is to report complaints and proper documentation to protect the organization in case of litigation. The HR also has a part of resolving these issues. It can be done informally or involve local authorities in the event of criminal behaviors. Training of the policies involved direct and live training of the employees by the managers. The trainer was well experienced and was comprehensive and informative. The workers were divided according to their specific division, so that’s the training is relatable to them. We have trained annually, and in case the policies changed. The most effective weapon against sexual harassment is prevention. Preventing it from occurring which lies with the employer, by creating a work environment free from sexual harassment.
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