Human Resource Management Paper

Human Resource Management Paper


Human resource management is an important aspect that determines the success rate at both government and non-profit organizations. The human resource department in any organization is concerned with the staffing process. It is prudent to note that the implementation of the organizational goals and objectives solely lie on the personnel put in place. Just like the profit making organizations whose sole aim is profit maximization, the non-profit organizations must also ensure that they have a stable workforce that will propel the goals and objectives of the organization in the right direction (Akingbola, 2013). Human resource management is therefore tasked with the obligation of ensuring that they get the best out of the organization’s employees thus leading to increased efficiency and productivity within the organization.  It has a role in motivating the employees within the organization and ensures that the goals and objectives of the organization are achieved.

Mission and goals of the organization

As aforementioned, the human resource department has a significant role in the success of a non-profit organization. It is imperative understanding that they have the task of overseeing employee relations, hire staff, determining salaries, employee motivation and establishing employee performance objectives among other critical roles. For the organization to maintain the required level of success, it is imperative that the human resource department is in consistent with the overall business goals and objectives. The personnel in any organization have the responsibility of advancing the organizational goals and mission. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the human resource department within such organizations to ensure that they hire staff that performs duties that promote the goals and objectives of the organization. On this note, the human resource manager will have the obligation of ensuring that the organization talks full advantage of the capabilities of the employees by placing the right people in the right job positions. This will be an important step towards realization of the organizational goals (Ridder, Baluch & Piening, 2012).

Besides pooling the right talent for the organizational success, the human resource department has the responsibility for promoting the corporate culture.  It is worth noting that the human resource management has a duty of communicating the organizational goals and policies to the employees. In this regard, human resource management must ensure that all the HR communications within the organization are delivered in a way that promotes the organization’s culture, goals, and objectives. It is also wise for the human resource managers to integrate the employees in the goal-setting process to ensure that the employees are part of the organization’s success (Mosley, Maronick & Katz, 2012). In essence, a human resource function that is built into the organizational culture and goals in mind forms an integral foundation for the organizational success. It is also prudent for the overall organization’s management to have sporadic checks to ascertain whether or not the HR function of the organization is in alignment with the broader goals of the organization.

Strategic human resource management

Strategic human resource management is an approach whereby groups attempts to manage human resources that support the long-term organizational goals and outcomes with a policy framework. The method requires that the organization focus on the long term organizational needs, the people’s concerns and other concerns that affect the routine operations of the organization.  Human resource management has the obligation of ensuring that the corporate employees match the organization’s future needs (Pynes, 2013). It is a concept that is increasing its popularity in the recent years even in the public and non-profit sector (Drucker, 2012). Despite the competition from the private sector, the non-profit making organizations have been proactive in ensuring that they are strategically placed to realize the organizational goals. The human resource department in these organizations has the responsibility of ensuring that they hire the right staff that will match the organization’s future needs.

On this note, the human resource function of the non-profit organization must be wary of the critical success factors that surround the operations of the organization. These are areas on which the human capital practitioners should focus to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in fulfilling the organization’s goals and objectives. Effective planning of human capital and the overall organizational workforce will be instrumental in realizing the organization’s strategic framework. The managers in non-profit making organizations should be concerned with the workload history, pertinent changes in the structure and the overall trends in the philanthropic environment (Akingbola, 2013).  Such studies should be guided by the organizational mission and vision statement to ensure that the staffing process in the organization will meet the future needs of such organizations.

Applicable legal and ethical codes

Human resource management in the private, public and not-for-profit organization is guided by well recognized legal and ethical codes.  A well-run and accountable not-for-profit organization must ensure that all its human resource activities are guided by the set rules and regulations. It is nevertheless wise to note that the legal aspects vary from one state to another.  However, most states promote best practices in the human resource activities of the not-for-profit organizations (Gilbert, De Winne & Sels, 2015). Recognizing and adapting these best practices are of benefit to both the organization and the employees of such organizations. It is, therefore, prudent for the management of such organizations to ensure that their human resource function is aware and acts by the legal and ethical codes that guide the practice.

For instance, the human resource of a not-for-profit organization must ensure that they hire the right people that will promote the code of ethics and conduct for the NGOs.  All the NGOs are expected to act in agreement with a set code of ethics that guides the actions and the management practices of the organization. The HR department will have to audit the behavior of the potential employees to ensure that they will promote the provisions of the ethical codes (Thompson, 2011). Also, the recruitment process must also make sure that it is in agreement with the state laws that govern the employment process. Issues such as child labor and minimum wages are some of the essential issues that the human resource managers should be concerned. The worker’s rights and labor unions demands are also other factors that the human resource managers should consider. It is prudent noting that adhering to such provision will enable a smooth running of the regulatory obligations and hence increased efficiency. Also, the organization will save time and money that would otherwise be used to solve legal disputes. Donors will also be happy when they are associated with organizations that uphold legal and ethical practices.

Diversity considerations

It is prudent noting that the human resource function of a not-for-profit organization handles diversity in the workplace just as it is the case in the private and the public sector. These organizations have employees with different family backgrounds, academic qualifications, and experience (Burke & Cooper, 2012). With this in mind, the human resource department has the responsibility for ensuring that this diversity is embraced in the organizational setup and that the differences among the staff are respected by all. An effective human resource function of an organization is the one that will put in place programs that will address personal issues concerning spirituality, violence, personal wellness and benefits (Ferreira, Proença & Proença, 2011).  Such issues are of great importance, especially for a not-for -profit organization, that are expected to promote cohesively and integration amongst the world population.

The human resource function in an organization should ensure that there is a distinction between employees’ qualification and other issues such as color, gender, religion and other traits. The hiring and promotion practices within such organizations should be purely and merits and not skewed by other diversity issues. It is the obligation of the human resource managers to promote peaceful co-existence among the employees of an organization. It is prudent for such managers to conduct workshops and training to employees on the benefits associated with a diverse workforce. Most of the not-for-profit organizations spread their wings to international level, and it will be helpful the human resource to cultivate an organizational culture that promotes diversity within the workplace.

Labor unions, privatization, and outsourcing

Labor unions popularity is increasing at an alarming rate in the modern society.  Employees are continuously forming into unions to ensure that their rights are upheld at all costs. As a result, the issue of labor unions has become an important aspect of human resource management (Thompson, 2011). It is imperative that the human resource function works hand in hand with the labor unions to ensure efficiency and increased productivity from the employees. Failure to work together with such unions will be a challenging experience for the human resource management since there will be no harmony between the organization and the employees. An effective human resource should avoid adversaries with labor unions to ensure a positive work environment.

Privatization is increasingly becoming popular among the different government agencies. Under such circumstances, the government shifts some or all of the government service delivery to the private firms. This practice is motivated by cost reduction or enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery. It is, however, prudent to note that the privatization process has become an important aspect of human resource management (Ferreira, Proença & Proença, 2011).  For instance, employees in firms set for privatization view this as a threat to their jobs and influence. As a result, it is prudent for the human resource function to ensure that the employees’ morale is not disgruntled by impending privatization. The human resource managers should guarantee a smooth transition and also guarantee the employees of their job safety.

Outsourcing is another aspect that is gaining momentum in the modern economy. It has become an integral human resource function that is aimed at producing a win-win situation. Poor execution of the outsourcing process can be disastrous and hence the necessity for an efficient human resource department. Just like the private sector has reaped significant from outsourcing, the government sector can also gain massive benefits from such practice. The human resource has the responsibility of ensuring swift problem solving, fast feedback and improved communications just top mention a few. This will be integral in improving employee morale as well as enhancing productivity within the organization.

Recruitment and selection methods

The recruitment and selection methods for the private, public and not-for-profit organization should ensure that the organization gets the best possible pool of talent. This will ensure that the organization will meet its goals and obligations with ease.  The human resource management will have a duty of ensuring that the organization gets the best staff through the most competitive methods known (Ridder, Baluch & Piening, 2012).  For instance, a nonprofit making organization will have to carry out an intensive publicity exercise. This will ensure that it attracts as many potential employees as possible. It is essential for the human resource to advertise the existence of such organizations and the job vacancies that exists. This may be even more important in cases where the organization needs volunteers.

After the potential candidates make their application for the advertised positions, the human resource management has to carry out an intensive screening process.  For instance, the staffing organ can carry out intensive interviews amongst the hopefuls to get the best-qualified people to fill the vacancies.  The interviewing process will be guided by the job requirements and the goals and objectives of the organization (Gilbert, De Winne & Sels, 2015). The screening process should try as much as possible to get the necessary information about the applicants and ascertain whether or not they meet the organization’s demands. After an intensive screening, the human resource department will make a choice on the personnel that will advance the goals and objectives of the organization.  The choice should be based on merit, and only those who add value to the organization should make the cut.

Compensation and benefits

Compensating organizational employees is another integral role of the human resource. The employee’s efforts should be rewarded accordingly to ensure that there is continuity in the promotion of organizational goals and objectives. Employee compensation is regarded as a means of motivation that human resource managers use to get more from the employees.  Besides the monetary compensation that is awarded to employees, human resource managers can also incorporate fringe benefits programs for employees in nonprofit organizations. These benefits will serve as a motivation for the employees just as it is the case with the private sector. It is also wise for the human resource managers in such organizations to establish pension schemes and retirement income plan to offer competition to the private sector (Akingbola, 2013). Such inducements will help the employees to concentrate on delivering on their mandate without fear for the future. Consequently, the organizational goals and objectives can be easily realized.

Also, the human resource managers in a nonprofit organization should also consider integrating sick pay and vacation pay to the benefits schemes within the organization. It may also consider incorporating some insurance schemes for the employees such as accident and health policies that will help in maintaining the employees’ peace of mind. Also, the corporations should also ensure that they pay structure matches those of the private sector to ensure that they remain competitive with their counterparts in the private sector. It is also worth noting that the compensation can either be in the form of tangible and intangible ones, and the human resource function should be able to strike a balance between the two (Mosley, Maronick & Katz, 2012). In essence, the human resource function of a nonprofit organization should offer an attractive compensation package for the employees of such organizations despite the strict guidelines that govern the management of the nonprofit organizations.

Performance management and development

The human resource management must ensure that the employees’ performance meets the organization’s expectations. This is a function that ensures that the employees act in a way that the organizational goals and objectives will be easily realized. In the case of poor performance from some of the employees, the human resource management has the duty of offering corrective measures to restore sanity in the workplace.  This role of human resource management spreads across the private, public and nonprofit making organizations. It is imperative for the human resource management to set up a required standard for the employees within the organization (Pynes, 2013. If the employees fail to reach the set standards, then the management has an obligation of taking necessary steps that will lead to performance development. If lenient means fails to deliver, stern actions such as forced leave or even firing of underperforming employees is a welcome move.

It is nevertheless, worth noting that the situation could be a bit difficult if the employee in question is a volunteer. The human resource must be sensitive while dealing with volunteers. However, this does not mean that they should not be asked for the poor performance and corrective measures should be adopted immediately. Even the volunteer should be held accountable for their actions just like the other paid workers. Ii is essential that the human resource notes that failure to handle underperformance from the volunteers can be the genesis of failure for the nonprofit organization. Though it may prove difficult dismissing an underperforming volunteer, the human resource managers should mind the plight of the organization first before that of the volunteer (Thompson, 2011). In essence, the human resource management has the obligation of ensuring that the organization has competent staff whose performances meet the expectations of the organization.

Opportunities, challenges, and trends

In the recent years, the concept of nonprofit organization is gaining momentum at an increasing rate. As the number of these organizations increases, there are more and more people willing to work in such organizations. As a result, the human resource department of such organizations can easily recruit the employees to work in such organizations. They provide an opportunity for some employees to showcase their capabilities in service delivery.  Besides, the modern advances in technology have also made it easy to publicize, recruit and select employees to work in such organizations (Ridder, Baluch & Piening, 2012).  The use of the internet and other print media has to a great extent enhanced the selection and recruitment process by the human resource department.

Besides the opportunities, some challenges face the human resource management in the nonprofit organization. The main challenge facing the nonprofit organization is the stiff competition from the private sector. Most of the potential employees are attracted to the private sector rather than to the nonprofit organization. This is explained by the perception that the private sector has better-paying jobs as compared to the nonprofit organizations. Also, the group has also been faced with numerous financial constraints in the recent years. Most of the nonprofit organizations get their funding from government and donors (Thompson, 2011). With the recent hard economic times, people are reluctant to offer donations to these nonprofit organizations. These financial problems are easily transferred to the human resource department of the organization. As a result, the organizations have been facing stiff competition from the private sector while recruiting the highly qualified personnel that meets the organizational goals.  Improved technological advances have lead to increased social media innovations (Burke & Cooper, 2012). As a result, the organizations have experienced improved internal and external services thus enhancing diversity in their workplaces. In essence, the nonprofit sector has gained momentum in the recent years. Nevertheless, the human resource department has the role of sustaining a healthy environment.



Akingbola, K. (2013). Contingency, fit and flexibility of HRM in nonprofit organizations. Employee Relations, 35(5), 479-494.

Burke, R., & Cooper, C. (2012). Human resource management in the nonprofit sector. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Drucker, P. (2012). Managing the Non-Profit Organization. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.

Drucker, P. (2013). The Changing World of the Executive. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.

Ferreira, M., Proença, T., & Proença, J. (2011). Organisational influence on volunteer satisfaction and attitudes towards HRM practices: the case of hospital volunteers. International Review On Public And Nonprofit Marketing, 9(1), 27-42.

Gilbert, C., De Winne, S., & Sels, L. (2015). Strong HRM processes and line managers’ effective HRM implementation: a balanced view. Human Resource Management Journal, 25(4), 600-616.

Mosley, J., Maronick, M., & Katz, H. (2012). How organizational characteristics affect the adaptive tactics used by human service nonprofit managers confronting financial uncertainty. Nonprofit Management And Leadership, 22(3), 281-303.

Pynes, J.(2013) Human resources management for public and nonprofit organizations.

Ridder, H., Baluch, A., & Piening, E. (2012). The whole is more than the sum of its parts? How HRM is configured in nonprofit organizations and why it matters. Human Resource Management Review, 22(1), 1-14.

Thompson, P. (2011). The trouble with HRM. Human Resource Management Journal, 21(4), 355-367.


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