Human development through culture

Human development through culture

To define human development through culture, we usually identify the passage of some behavioral qualities that tend to pass from one person to the other. Through culture, we can learn about the way of life of specific groups of people around the world and how they could relate to other cultural groups in other locations as well. From the same cultural settings, humans around the world base their food production and reproduction of offspring on the settings of a particular culture. Humans development through culture comes from traditional social settings such as marriages that make the foundations of a given society. It is through a marriage where the parents usually bring forth their children and raise them according to the established rules or systems. Also, the mothers of these children understand the development cycle of their children from specific foods to be eaten at their various developmental stages. Through material culture, one can quickly adapt the items that they would require for their survival. As explained in (Larsen, 2017) humans can utilize the resources that can keep them fit for survival such as producing warm clothes to curb hypothermia. Other cultural practices such as grandmothering are beneficial to human development as the children become more informed when grandparents nurture them in the absentia of their parents during work.

Natural selection is likely to derive the concept of skin pigmentation due to the exposure to direct sunlight to the surface of the skin. In most of the cold regions, especially in Europe, a majority of the population’s skin is light, meaning that they are adapting to the cold environment as compared to people living in the equatorial regions where they are likely to have melanin that would protect them from direct UV light. Through the adaptive features, humans can have balanced homeostasis. More of the white skin people would be able to have a higher skin reflectance to dark skin people (Larsen, 2017). gra

Race is more of a cultural concept than biological when we first analyze the origin of racism. It is an assumption that racism begun in the 18th to 19th century where there was significant debate on classification of anything on earth.  The categorization was evident when they were attempting to categorize human beings from the shape of their heads. Racism also became a cultural classification from a concept known as unilineal evolution which indicates that a particular society should have a specific type of lifestyle to be considered as developed or superior. The notion also tries to prove that every culture must undergo certain development changes and the ones not appreciating the difference could be classified as underdeveloped. In the end, it brought about superiority in the social and cultural differentiation between the white people and the black people. Besides, race also came along from the interpretation that certain cultures have a biological make up that would highly determine their behavior, cultural activities and intelligence. In the end, the ‘difference’ in the skin color and body shapes made the white people feel superior to the black people, meaning that their belief would make them control the black people.

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