Survey Questions on how Undergraduate Students at Youngstown State University feel about Extracurricular Activities
- Generally, what is your level of satisfaction with the extracurricular activities at YSU?
- Not satisfied
- Partly satisfied
- Satisfied
- More than satisfied
- Very satisfied
- All the undergraduate students in YSU are involved in extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, and recreation
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Neither agree or disagree
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
- If you do engage in the extracurricular activities at YSU University, how helpful are they in substantiating learning?
- Extremely helpful
- Very helpful
- Somewhat helpful
- Not helpful
- Not at all helpful
- The following five attributes can be used to describe the efforts of YSU University administration in promoting extracurricular activities. Rate them by making a position on the scale between the opposing adjectives;
- Approachable – – – – – – – Unapproachable
- Persistent – – – – – – – Unstable
- Positive – – – – – – – Negative
- Serving – – – – – – – Neglecting
- Enlightening – – – – – – – Ignorant
- Out of 100 points, rate your satisfaction with the efforts made by the university administration to boost the involvement of undergraduate students in extracurricular activities.
- Is the YSU administration being FAIR or UNFAIR by regulating the involvement of undergraduate students in extracurricular activities? Underline your response.
- What are your personal views about the current involvement of undergraduate students? How are they affected?
- In a few words, suggest the approaches that can be used to improve the participation of undergraduate students in extracurricular activities. How can the setbacks to the involvement of students in extracurricular activities be avoided?
- What do you think will be the outcomes of allowing undergraduate students to engage in extracurricular activities without limits?
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