How to Tame a Wild Tongue

According to the article, “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” the writer explains how she led her Chicana life at the time of immigration controversies. In this chapter, the writer expresses how the Latinos struggled to look for their national identity in the United States as well as find a language to communicate with others freely without shame and fear. The dominance of English language in the United States was giving the Hispanic immigrants a hard time to adapt to the culture. The writer focuses on Chicano readers as the primary audience where she shares her experience. However, she also targets the Americans to understand Chicano life and cope with them.

Gloria Anzaldua explains a moment in the office of the dentist where her tongue was considered the main issue while the dentist was working on her teeth. The writer used it as a metaphor to refer to her language. This implies that the story was built on satire. It appears funny, but the writer wants to send an important message that will help to unite the immigrants. While in the dentist office, they were forced to go through several layers of dialect in order to be understood. The writer describes how she had undergone many struggles in search for her identity. At one point, the teacher sent her to a corner when she failed to pronounce her name in the class.

The article explores the kind of struggles that immigrants undergo while associating themselves with native people. Language identity help to define a person’s culture and way of life. This helps people around him or her to gain a better understanding of the person. As a result, an individual is treated based on how others understand him or her. In this case, the writer faced oppression because of lack of language identity. The audience for this piece of literature work is informed about the importance of appreciating the language identity of others. The writer emphasizes that being a Chicano does not mean that she is isolated from other people in society. The notion that Chicanos cannot speak the Spanish language is outdated. It creates fear and shame among the Chicanos when talking to other Hispanic. As a result, they feel uncomfortable to communicate with others. Gloria Anzaldua describes this feeling like a barrier to mix with the natives. She sends a clear message of stereotypes founded on language identities among diverse communities.

Generally, the article is interesting because it describes essential things about people which is the identity of individuals. The article highlights issues that are linked to multicultural practices among people living in society. The writer uses her experience as a Chicano to inform the audience about the problems that arise from multicultural.  She mentions that the worst thing to do for a Chicano is to speak ill about his or her language which defines the identity. The writer teaches the audience about being passionate about language and identity.  The rhetoric situation in this literary work is based on whether or not one should abandon his or her identity by embracing a foreign language. The writer explains the significance of identity and language. These two elements define the social life of individuals as well as their culture while interacting with others in the environment. Gloria Anzaldua uses a specific genre that is suitable for her targeted audience to express the prevailing rhetoric situation about identity and language.

Gloria Anzaldua tries to inform the audience about social and cultural differences that dominated between the Americans and Mexicans. She uses a fascinating approach to the story to narrate her past experiences. The writer demonstrates a high level of literature analysis by incorporating satire and metaphor to build a comprehensive story. She ensures that the targeted audience fits the genre and the information is communicated to them. The author further explores related issues such as racisms and sexism. Gloria Anzaldua tries to inform the audience that an individual should not be looked down upon to speak a different language. She uses her own example and how she tried to overcome the challenges faced.

Similarly, the author introduces the case of acculturation where she emphasizes to the audience that individuals be able to define and construct their own identity especially when they move to another country. In this case, Gloria Anzaldua encourages the audience not to despair their language, culture, and self in order to gain prosperity in their new life. According to the author, she believes that peoples’ heritage should be dropped for the sake of acceptance in America. Her thought clearly indicates that immigrants should embrace their identity and language regardless of the new environment. She recalls how she tried to slip in Chicano Spanish culture to the children as a teacher to embrace her identity.

In this literature piece, Gloria Anzaldua uses anecdotes which eventually credits her writing experience to encourage the audience to understand their emotions. She makes individuals understand the emotional pain attributed to the oppression she was undergoing with others. The author uses the theoretical approach to conform to the audience that she cannot accept the legitimacy until the point she will accept her identity and language. Her main focus is to let the audience to respect her Chicano Spanish as well as develop the urge to respect and embrace their own culture and language. Immigrants often lose their language and culture when they enter a new country, Gloria maintains her stance and refuses to let others destroy her identity. She promises to safeguard her language and culture through hardships to ensure that her identity thrives despite being in a foreign land.

The rhetoric analysis in this article is based on Gloria Anzaldua’s feeling that the Latin Americans are coerced to abandon their culture and language in order to become submissive to white people. The author uses her experience to demonstrate the level of oppression that she underwent for speaking her native bilingual tongue. At the time Gloria was growing up, racism was more prevalent, and it had spread to the most parts of the United States.  The white societies forced Latin Americans to abandon their culture in order to persuade more English speakers. The author makes the argument based on a logical structure and utilizes the observations established for individuals to learn from her experience. Gloria demonstrates that she can incorporate spirituality and art in her literature work to achieve social justice in society.

The message sent by Gloria to her audience about the acceptance of one’s culture and language is received with criticism by the White societies. However, in this article, the target audience is any person who has suffered the fate of oppression, racism, and sexism. The author demonstrates that what individuals value most is their language which in turn shows their identity. Gloria uses her ethos experience to describe the relevance of her story to the audience. For instance, she recalls the moment she went to the dentist office. She was informed that the dentist would have total control of her tongue by pulling all the metals in her mouth. The author further states that her tongue kept on pushing out the wads of cotton during the process. Her tongue also pulled back thin needles and drills, and this showed the struggle she underwent to adopt the new life.

In conclusion, it is evident that Gloria Anzaldua had mastered the art of writing and could communicate with the audience. In the article, the author connected the suitable genre with the appropriate audience by sharing the rhetorical situation concerning her experience. As mentioned, the target audience was the Chicanos and Native Americans. The rhetorical situation in the article is the author’s struggle towards the bilingual Latin Americans as well as their discourse societies. Gloria wanted to educate the Chicanos to embrace their identity and language without fear despite the dominance of the English language. However, it worth noting that the author wanted the information to reach all human race especially those who had suffered similar oppression. Many immigrants in the United States suffered heavily because of the dominance of the English language by the white societies. Therefore, the message in this article was meant for everyone despite the author concentrating on Chicanos and Native Americans. She wanted the world to know that she is proud of her Spanish culture and language because they define her identity.

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