How to protect the environment

How to protect the environment



Ayrshire is a famous country registered under the southwestern part of Scotland. Geographically, it is located on the Firth of Clyde. Some of the towns in the area include Ayr ad Irvin.  Just like the other countries in Scotland, it has councils in north, south, and east of Ayrshire. It has been extensively acknowledged that economy Arshyre been unsuccessful when compared to other areas in Scotland, especially when it comes to the transition to the knowledge-based and service industries. The area has largely been dependent on the traditional manufacturing industries. The poor transport quality that links the rest ofScotland has been the major factor that has contributed to this limited success. This study will analyze the role of transport infrastructure services on the economic regeneration of Ayrshire.

Aims of the analysis


This analysis will fulfill several objectives. The first is to show the impact of transportation and to give an appraisal of the existing transport network. This will focus n the Ayr corridor by giving the schemes to improve the mobility or the accessibility of the urban area. The main elements include a review of the relationship between the transport scheme and economic development.  This will be one through preparing and analysis the preliminary version of the Strategic and the Economic cases to support the analysis according to the Department for Transport (DfT) guidance (UK). It will demonstrate the relationship between travel time activities to other activities.

Objectives that should be achieved by transport investments in the area.

Numerous objectives will be achieved with the transport investment in the area.

Investing in transport will improve access to some of the most valuable resources in Ayrshire, especially in Ayr corridor. There are several effects of travel time and cost of travel on economic performance.

Investing in transportation will create a more reliable, less congested, and better-connected transport networks that will allow the workers to have a stale and stable economy

Investing in transport will also allow the area to build a balanced economy as it will enhance productivity that will go along with the other regions.

Additionally, investing in transport will enhance global competitiveness and make Ayr more competitive.


The economic and transport situation in Ayr and Ayrshire


Empirical evidence ambiguity confirms to the impacts if transport o the economy. In recent times, the costs incurred to appraise transport scheme have been expanding especially from the social welfare perspective. The benefits of analyzing the impact of distribution and the identities of transport have made it difficult to calculate such an analysis. An economic overview of Ayrshire is the best way that the economy of the place can be different from other areas of Scotland or the UK as a whole.


The first idea is to give an overview of the economy of ayr and reasons why it is different from other places in Scotland. The economy of Ayrshire mainly depends on the traditional manufacturing industries and have a relatively higher per capita that comes from exports. However, it has recently regressed due to the disadvantages that come with poor transportation. The other regions in Ayrshire include business services such as telecommunications and financial services. These industries are mainly underrepresented in ayr. Other representations include furniture and textile. Other office-based industries are significantly underrepresented with few new businesses starting in the area. There is also a skill gap which is massive that separates this with others. The lack of high-quality business promise in some areas also makes this place a hub for development and would massively benefit from the transport investment.

Recent publications have shown over-reliance of Ayrshire on the public as the sector spends a higher proportion of its economy in the area. There is still less deprivation of money in this area. Several characteristics of the transportation system within Ayrshire defers massively with other areas of Scotland. The best use of available material to assess the performance can give a comprehensive picture of how the transportation system has been established.


A scheme that helps achieving the objectives

These objectives will be achieved through several schemes has always been recognized that Ayrshire has not been successful in terms of transformation from the traditional industries to the new service sectors as well as the middle-aged based economy. This is because of the poor connectivity within the area because most areas have constantly being constrained from the development. This is the major cause of the low poor and the transition.  The first scheme is to improve the connectivity and upgrade the industries into modernones. The national planning framework together with the Ayrshire joint structure has to emphasize on the need to improve the transport links for the place to be economically successful. Alongside this, the following needs improvement. The first is connectivity that links Ireland and the further fields from Glasgowto Prestwick and other parts. Connectivity to the central belt with the national network motorway as well as the connection between the settlements of Ayrshire has to be implemented. Promotion of the ideas is unique in Scotland as it has been heavily linked with industrialization even though some locations are distant. Because the traditional industries have declined massively in the recent past, it becomes difficult geographically to attract investors.

Improving Transport and for economic development


Good infrastructure and the economy is critical for the success of most businesses. Transport and economy depend on each other with modern economy requiring effective skills of communication. An example is the case of Scotland that cannot function effectively in terms of economics without the motorway networks that have proven to be useful. At the same time, determining the significance of a single scheme within the UK with a problem with numerous marginal changes taking place rapidly. The most authoritative work between the economy and transport has numerous mechanisms to improve transport and the economy. Transportation leads to the organization and distribution of resources effectively and also has a massive effect on the output and labormarket.  The other is performing an appraisal in the area.

Appraisal and economic impact


The main role of an economic and transport appraisal is to estimate the benefits of transport about the monetary value of a region. Transport appraisal places value and reduces travel time and saves the operation cost of vehicles from the perspective of social welfare.

The establishment of statistical links between transport improvement and economic performance is elusive to all researchers making it necessary to find literature that accesses the question that links transport and economic development. The inclusive nature of work that could devise the economic effect of transport has influenced the appraisal of a called economic schemes. Government has been cautious to respond to the new john schemes and promotions that are based on the lack of economic and empirical evidence. Promoters of the schemes claim that the schemes provide a boost to the economy. Transports bring other ideas, especially the travel time and saving of costs towards the importance that it has on the general economy of Ayrshire. Transport costs are low in comparison to operational costs for many businesses. Reducing transport cost makes a small change about the proportions of the operating cost. New transport schemes have proven to reduce travel time and the lower the operation cost of many businesses. This can make a huge change in the operations of a business that can lower the expenditure on transport. For this region, the potential effectiveness of transport is an example of what evidence can do in potential direct impacts. The most effective strategy comes in determining issues that are related to transport that act as constraints to the economic activity in the area. This is constraints are likely to affect economic development.


The profile of Ayr


Ayrshire have a massive historical development that transcends to the present day, and it is importantfor the economic growth of the UK.

Geographical location

Ayrshire is located in the southwestern part of Scotland with three separate unitary authorities. The three separate authorities include the northern part, the southern part, and the eastern part. Ayrshire is bounded by Inverclyde and the Glasgow conurbation within the north. The figure below shows the main settlements and the local authorities that are bordering Ays.




The mean urban centers that are within ayr are concentrated within the center of the town. This is where the bulk of the population is living. The northern and southern part of a shire more rural and the number of population is smaller. The main principal towns include Kilmarnock andIrvine.And, other towns and centers are important and significantly contribute to the economy. Traditionally, this area has been regarded as a scenic place with a massive coastal line and large areas. East Ayrshire benefits from the coal deposits while the parts provide good agricultural land with fresh water and massive timber production.

Historical development

Despite their closeness to Glasgow, Ayrshire has a history that is distinctive because it was more of a district. The patterns of production in this area are entwined with an export market and Glasgow market the origin of most of the towns within a shire can be seen in the productive land and agricultural services located in the region. They are all so towns that depend on coal. There are strong fishing industries that have led to the development of the coastal towns. Historically, the biggest exception in this trend was the town of Irvine that was created to represent the Newtown within the region in the year 1969. Mini towns of Ayrshire started as single industries that were developed during the industrial revolution. Some of the most common exams are those towns that depend on coal as a mineral.


Today, the leading private sectors of the region including engineering, aerospace, and biotechnology.

Culture and attraction.

Ayrshire has numerous global attractions that come from the strong cultural heritage that has been the center of tourist attraction. The region is renowned for its lakes and his fame as their original home of the Scottish poet Robert Burns. Burns came from but relocated to Maybole. There are spots in the region which include room as the region conduct some championships in golf courses. These golf courses challenge the rounds of the causes and have proven to be the main source of sport’s heritage.

Population trends

Just like all the other parts of the united kingdom, ayr has suffered from adversities within their trends in its population. There is increased life expectancy and a reduced birth rate that is increasing the dependency ratio. This means that the number of people who are economically active is continuously reducing. Unless there is upsetting rice or productivity, the growth domestic product is likely to decline because of the decreased number of workers and the shrinking populations which complicates the lives of the people as well as the production. Ayrshire has 370000 people in the year 2004. Through the 1990s, the population fell by 3%. The decline in population was reflected in the collapse of the traditional industries that wanted that could operate based on the number of workers available. The figure below shows the current growth ratio and the forecast for the population in Ayrshire





Labor market and economic performance about the transportation

There have been several noticeable improvements in the labor market and economic performance in ayrliving market. Economic growth is also attributed to the growth of employment that has seen more than 6% of the average Scottish making a living from their daily jobs. In the year 2004, the employment rate was law and has been improving continuously. The employment rate of men is 79% while that of women is 68%. Unemployment has been reducing substantially. One of the key issues and ideas is based on the continuous problem of unemployment in ayr even though the picture has been improving in recent times. Most of the remaining unemployment rates in ayr that focuses on the structural make-up of the region. Because of the structural changes mentioned above, long-term unemployed remaining as the key issue within the region. The most critical issue is that the people are always redundant meaning that the area is less attractive to future investment. Ayr has suffered from economic inactivity that can be attributed to seasonal fluctuation of the market labor because most of the immigrants are taking over the jobs from thelocals. The earnings in ayr are relatively low which is important because of the demand that relatively depends on their income available. Where your diamond is also having a knock-on effect on unemployment and growth domestic product.

The national planning framework Scotland

National planning framework guides the special development of Scotland after the year 2025. This framework sets ways of performing economic development. Even though this is not a development framework to implement executive economic development in Scotland and shows the importance of identifying investment strategies in Scotland.

One of the national issues in Scotland is the community regeneration, the environment, and transport. The western getaway is supposed to be the geographical area that is vital to Scotland. Several strategies impact the transport connectivity of this region.

Strong consensus in the area of progressively signify the industrial routes making it difficult to move past the industrial society. Ayr has in focusing on the traditional industries and has insufficiently represented high-value industries banking and consultancy have not performed in this region. The economy of Ayrshireshows that despite a manufacturing base that is relatively strong and focusing on the traditional manufacturing industries, laser structural weakness in the area that is also making it less competitive on the global scale. The approbation of the employees working in textile industries still represent twice the proportion that is within the united kingdom in general. This s the way it has been on a decline over the past century as employees decline faster.

Western getaway to Scotland has an impact on connectivity and transport and has been the main reason behind the success of Glasgow international airport. It becomes important to realize that the potential existing in the port facilities have been strengthening the links to Ireland. Improving the links to the central belt leads to support of knowledge-based industries that official part of the development as they will overtake the traditional industries that are on a decline. It is important to develop clusters of businesses that are oriented towards exportation while identifying the role that tourism plays in supporting the society as a whole. Deprivation is a key element in the economic context of the region. Ayr is mostly the more private area in Scotland from the study that was based on the indicators of the individual domains identified.

Apart from this, deprivation of ayr cornfields harmonizes in the areas shown below.


The main areas identified in these report are citrine, Cumnock and the citrine areas.

Form an economic perspective; there are several points that can be taken from these highlights.The western getaway has not performed well as it still lacking the transitions of the 21st century. As a result, it is still lagging; they are the economies in Scotland in terms of economic growth. The place is still exported higher per capita but has shown a regression in the recent past. Services such as data communication underrepresented with overrepresentation of textile and other traditional industries. Office-based industries are also as their growth domestic product is significantly lower than the rest of Scotland when it is calculated by head.



The role of transport in Ayrshire

The many ways which the improvement of transport can help in promoting the development are regeneration. Transportation can support the structural plans especially in terms of population stability and help indigenous industries to improve further. Better transport will also reduce transport constraints and improve their reliability by reducing the cost and time spent while traveling.Transport can also assist in developing the perception of investment that the region has liked him for a long time been lagging. Improving transport links can be seen to be the best solution for economic problems in Ayrshire. The joint structural plan in Ayrshiredefines the communal hierarchy with two settlements around the major terms and service centers. The major towns include Kilmarnock and Ivan. Service centers include jivanTroon and Brodick.


Railway network


The passenger railway network is made up of five routes that connect Glasgow on two lines with the Dumfries in northern England. This includes Glasgow central lags, GlasgowcentralArdrossan, Ayr, Stranraer, Carlisle and Newcastle. These first roots link the north and the southern Ayrshire and connect it with Glasgow towards paisley, the largest town in Scotland. The other route gives the connection towards the eastern Ayrshire with regions such as Kilmarnock. The final route connects Ayrshire with the northern part of England. The figure below shows the local railway network


The bus network

The bus network in Ayrshire reflects similar ones in the other UK areas and have a dominantoperator. The firm also has several firms that are serving many routes. The bulk of the road market in the region is staged and controlled by stagecoach that gives intra-Ayrshireservices to the local people and authorities (Novelli, 2005). The smaller firms like the Mac Gills provide the complementation to the services to coming from Greenock to Ayrthroughthe coast of Clyde. The bus from Ayrshire also gives adirectlink through Ayr. For instance, to go through Largs to Ayr, one must get to the train to Kilwinning and later on change the train. The bus services give the most important interregional change.

The buses are also important just like the ferry and the road networks.

Report on the Road network inayr


The road networks give the principal out the light outlet to the major tournaments in Ayrshire. A77/M77 remain roots that come from Glasgow through the ayr coast. This road is currently away standard and runs from Glasgow to Fenwick. It provides access to the central belt or Stranraer through the north of Kilmarnock. A section of A77 road has been upgraded to the standard of the motorway as it was dangerous before the upgrade. It used to be the dual carriageway and what central reservation road. The other dual carriageway sections have benefited from their modern speed cameras that measure their average speed which has improved the safety significantly. Even though the public is not approving these modern speed cameras, they have significantly improved standards of the road. It has also made the road identified to be an important part of the trans-European network.The following figure shows the principal no road network in Ayrshire.




The A77 bypass passes through Ayr and connects the south to a single carriageway through the town of Maybole. There are 277 roads injuries, and accidents reported. The road was also completed in the year 1977 but have seen relatively small scale development. Currently, it is under reconstruction with other names at Stanbury. The A77 road has also reported numerous injuries because of the condition of the road. There are 737 is the route that links Glasgow airport to paisley through Kilwinning. This is a single carriageway that gives access to other small towns and villages within the northern Ayrshire. This road also has a bypass at Beith.


The ten miles more than a shower stretch of the air 7:37 road ghost from Kilwinning 2 beers and has also proven to be fertile. A 78 runs from Greenock to Clyde coast making it go through all the major towns in Ayrshire town to other resorts. It also allowsfor the co-operate between the three towns that had been opened recently including the bypass of Stephenson, search quotes and rest week. A71 rhymes east directly from Kilmarnock to Edinburgh through Lanarkshire and western Lothian. Gives men access to other routes especially to junction seven which is restricted access thereby linking a share to England. It is also a single carriageway except for that stretch that starts from Irvine. This route does not benefit from the connection to the bypass. A7 road runs between i&m 74 giving access to the southbound traffic while passing through other small towns. It is considered to be an important road as it links Ayr to the south. This road is also a single carriageway and it’s standard is quite poor than expected.

Recommendations on report

The region has benefited massively from the recent development in the highway network. The m77 have extended all the way to Fenwick while the M78 has been constructed removing the traffic of Stevenson. This has improved the links to the northwest including a road to Hunterston site. Reduced journey to Glasgow brought by the extension of m77 has had a positive impact on the residents. The other significant development that has been seen is the opening of Glasgow southern Obito that links M77 with a 726. They are 726 links with m74 providing a route to the central east of Scotland thereby avoiding the traffic through Glasgow and Kingston bridge. Weather, there are 726 have also proven to be the projected route which has frequent junctions making the people suffer from their journey and other reliability issues.


Novelli, M. (Ed.). (2005). Niche tourism: contemporary issues, trends, and cases. Routledge.


Impacts Summary of key impacts Qualitative


Economy Business users & transport providers  To support the key structural plans, it is important to assist the same house population in establishing strategies and improving access from Ayrshire  toGlasgow.  Poor
Reliability impact on Business users  because of the poor transportation system, division as users cannot successfully implement their strategies because of the poor road transport.  fair
Regeneration Regeneration is crucial as most of the roads have to be regenerated to come back to their normal conditions that can be effective in business.  poor
Wider Impacts What transports describes reliability as businesses have to struggle before they can access their customers.  fair
Environmental Noise Noise is an issue from the industries that are traditionally based poor
Air Quality   Implementing better transport strategies and investing in transportation will improve the business and encourage users.  good
Greenhouse gases Historically, this place has not performed well as environmental pollution has continuously affected it.  poor
Landscape    Poor
Townscape regeneration is crucial as most of the roads have to be regenerated to come back to their normal conditions that can be effective in business.


Historic Environment  The pace has historically been recognized for its culture but has been limited as these areas are less accessible by the people.  
Biodiversity  The place is a natural hub for some of the rarest plants and animals   good
Water Environment  

The water quality is poor as most of the industries are old textile and clothing distress that produce a lot of soot polluting the environment.

Greenhouse gases.

Social Commuting and Other users  The community and other users can not access the services like the other regions in Scotland

Biodiversity- several animals are also suffering from the poor infrastructures making it have poor biodiversity.




Reliability impact on Commuting and Other users  there places that cannot access what that are massively suffering because of the interpretation network  poor
Physical activity  Commuting and Other users- commuting with the other users have made it difficult to implement these strategies  
Journey quality  – the weather impacts include affecting their health services that eventually contribute to the economy  Poor
Accidents  Accidents frequently occur from the poor roads  poor
Security The townscape of the city has been reluctant in growth because of their transport that cannot be met by all the other regions.  poor
Access to services  There is a massive decline in accessing some services such a healthcare  poor
Affordability  commuting with the other users have made it difficult to implement these strategies  fair
Severance  there places that cannot access what that are massively suffering because of the interpretation network  poor
Option and non-use values – The landscape is full of errands making it difficult ever to be accessed without a good road. This has led to many people use to water the means of transport.  fair
Public Accounts The cost to Broad Transport Budget  The public is most suffering as they  have to pay extra for the cost of transport poor
Indirect Tax Revenues  The indirect tax revenues are mostly affected by the poor economic performance  good


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