
Certainly, students rank high importance to the quality of their academic performance. This is in the sense that the standards of a student in real life situation are dignified by the quality of knowledge acquired.

However, the attributes of home life are believed to have an impact on a student’s academic performance. To be more specific, behavioral factors of the parents can significantly influence the performance of a learner in academics.

Example a parent who is a drunkard may hurt student’s academic throughput.

For instance, the socioeconomic status of the family may also have some impacts on the student’s learning process.


Statement of the problem

We cannot underestimate that academic performance is entirely influenced by student’s academic preparations, but also we can wish to see how the family structure affect academic performance.

These topic attempts to find answers to family life attributes below:


  1. What is the effect of a mother’s job on academic performance?
  2. What is the effect of a father’s job on academic performance?
  • How does a student’s guardian’s affect academic performance?
  1. What is the effect of father’s education affect a student’s academic performance?
  2. What is the effect of mother’s education on academic performance?
  3. Does family education support affect a student’s academic performance?
  • Is there any relationship between home to school travel time and academic performance?
  • Does a parent’s cohabiting status affect a student’s academic performance?
  1. Is there any relationship between the size of the family and academic performance?
  2. Does the quality of relationship affect a student’s academic performance?


Variables of Interest

The dataset found at the link above has many variables which may be used for predict academic performance.

We are interested in the variables that pertain family structure concerning student’s academic performance.

These variables include;

  • Medu-mother’s education
  • Fedu-father’s education
  • Mjob-mother’s job
  • Job-father’s job
  • Guardian-student’s guardian

The variables above are the primary family life attributes which have an impact on children’s academic performance.



Parent’s education

This is a family with both parents educated to different levels.

. For instance, Melaku Anteneh Mekonnen (2017) asserted that family educational background as an influencing factor on student’s academic achievement was not found statistically significant.

That is, parent’s education is not the best predictor of a student’s academic performance.

The variables (mother’s education and father’s education) are covered under a parent’s knowledge.

Parent’s job

Studies in the area of the relationship between social, economic status and academic achievement, Karl R. White (2015)

Concluded that, social, financial situation and academic performance are strongly correlated. That is, statistically, there is a significant association between a parent’s job class and a student’s academic performance.


This shows whether the child has parents, one parent or an orphan supported by other well-wishers or guardians.

As per the studies on the area of impact of family structure on academic performance, Akinleke Wasiu Olaitan (2017), asserted that, statistically, there is a significant difference in academic performance of students from a family with a single parent as compared to a family with both parents.


However, the variables under review, are the ones that have a significant influence on academic performance.