Work shapes the structure of the society on the basis of the division of labor through integration and differentiation of individuals. Work is essential in any society across the world. This is because work establishes an orderly society. Many people revalue and naturalize their own identity and personality through work. When individuals in a society are employed, they are able to earn a living and live according to their standards. Since the old ages, society was the center of all activities by human beings. Today, the society has become a mode of integration and the core value in modern societies. Work, therefore, shapes the structure of the society through integration and differentiation which are the core basis of a society. Work integrates and differentiates society making it orderly and a work centered society (Stalnaker 2015). The society, in this case, is a connection of organizations, individuals and institutions. Integration is the collaboration of individuals in a society for similar gains; these are combined efforts among the individuals for a certain goal. On the other hand, differentiation is the division of labor which involves division of tasks, processes, and organizations. Division of labor is a form of work that shapes the structure of society through different consequences of integration and differentiation. Some of these consequences include the creation of markets, the creation of structures, excellence or perfection, the creation of particular social structures and chain of tasks, performances, and roles.
Division of labor differentiates societies by providing individuals with different roles and responsibilities in a society. Work shapes the structure of a differentiated society by creating markets. In a differentiated society, different people specialize in different things that enable their survival. The differentiated society has individuals with diverse employments that enhance inter-dependence. No individual can be perfect in all sorts of fields; therefore, it requires specialization of work to achieve productivity. In this case, the division of labor shapes the structure of a society by the creation of markets. In a differentiated society, there are diverse markets that enhance the availability of products. A society with diverse markets is a stable and orderly society. This is because all products are manufactured by individuals with distinct specialization and skills. The human labor at this juncture is equipped with specialized skills that enhance the interdependence of people within the society. Creation of markets is, therefore, a consequence of differentiation that shapes the structure of a society. A society is in good structure and form when there is an availability of different markets as people needs are diverse.
Division of labor in work also leads to excellence or perfection. In a differentiated society, individuals follow different paths of employment to earn a living. Division of labor means different work and production. No one is self-sufficient, and people have different capabilities and ways to do things (Fu 2016). There are also diversities of nature that enhances different needs and interests among individuals in a society. In this case, the division of labor shapes the structure of the society by enhancing excellence and perfection. Once a society is differentiated in its work and employment, people concentrate on different things as they have different capabilities and interests. This result in the excellence of the specific things individuals have chosen. For instance, a basket maker specializes in weaving baskets only. Specializing in this skill enhances excellency as they will perfect. This is one consequence of differentiation that enhances the shaping of the structure of society. A society is made of distinct individuals, organizations and institutions with different needs. A society is therefore in good order when the division of labor enhances perfection and excellence.
Another consequence that explains how work shapes the society is the creation of particular social structures. Division of labor and differentiation of society enhances the creation of social structures that shape a society. Such social structures include families, villages, and communities. Social structures create classes that enhance the integration of power to create a stable society. Trenz (2016) says that a society is formed by different social structure who develop different roles to enhance progress. as far as differentiation is concerned, a society is the only relevant source and evaluation of human beings and their activities. Social structures can create a good society that can subject individuals to an environment positive for their evaluation. In this case, work shapes the structure of the society by the creation of particular social classes. As people work, they are able to form groups which are significant to the society. It is also through work that the family is able to stay together and join form villages and later communities which the source of order and stability in a society. Through the division of labor, work, therefore, reinforces creation of social structures that are integrative to the progress of a society.
Lastly, work shapes the structure of the society by creating a chain of tasks, roles, and performances. A differentiated society has different tasks, performances, and roles. These differences are the fragments of labor division and have a great impact in shaping the structure of a society (Zysk 2018). Work provides different roles according to the hierarchy and the level of education. Once work establishes different tasks and roles, a differentiated society is formed that is stable and work-centered. Work, therefore, shapes the structure of a society by differentiating individuals to perform different tasks. This performance and difference in productivity enhance societies to be held together by interdependencies.
Work also shapes the structure of the society through integration. Integration is the participation of individuals for a common goal of the society. The division of labor can also enhance integration which causes collaboration of individuals for the progress of a society. As individuals in a society have divided labor with different roles and productive, integration enhances a single aim by subjecting individuals of a society to similar challenges such as marriage and political setup.
In conclusion to this essay, work shapes the structure of a society through integration and differentiation. These are two basis of division of labor that can enhance a good and orderly society through their consequences. In the modern societies, work is part of moral being and self-image. It is through work that individuals struggle against poverty and integration of people into a social order. Work, therefore, shapes the society through the division of labor and it impacts the society. Division of labor has diverse impacts in both a differentiated and integrated society. These enhance a good society that is interdependence among individuals, therefore, a good progress. Unemployment affects the orderliness of a society as there is poverty and inequalities among individuals. Work integrates and differentiates the society. This means that work is directly involved in the impacts of differentiation and integration. These impacts equally shape the society to an effective and orderly pre-modern and modern societies.
Reference List
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