The 1950s were known for its greaser styles, breakthrough advertising techniques, and doo-wop music. It is an error where morality was highly emphasized through its styles. The 1950s is remembered for its inspiration, which is even admirable even in the current period. Gender roles were highly sensitized during this period. Additionally, there was sexual discrimination where women were not allowed to participate in productive activities.
The 200’s are known for their introduction of technology. It is during this period when modern living was mastered. It entailed the introduction of iPhones, emails and anything else related to advanced technology. In terms of gender roles, the 200’s are known as the period for gender equality. During this period, women were given the same chances as men to advance their education and even participate in employment activities.
Although women have more significant opportunities to improve their knowledge and get jobs, their income is still 23% less than that of men. Women also form only 15% of the total number of CEOs. This is despite the high sensitization on the importance of gender equality during the 2000s.
The ’50s are idolized by how gender roles were emphasized during those periods. Men were allowed to make decisions, go to college and even manage businesses. The work of women was to stay in the house and look after children. Despite the gender discrimination, women were comfortable with their positions in society during these periods.
The ’50s were thought of as the simple-minded times. Women during this period did not think about having their property. Those who had such thoughts were believed to be crazy.
Intermediate scrutiny refers to a test which is carried out to establish the constitutionality of a law. It is applied when a particular rule is challenged on the basis that it does not promote the interest of the government. A good example is the issues related to discrimination of women in courts of law, where they should not be treated differently since they are not a minority.
Legislations concerning employer practices come from the statute. It gives a guideline of the activities which employer should engage in and how they should handle the workers. Any practice of employers is guided in the statute. They are mainly contained in the civil rights act.
When an employer promises or withholds workplace benefits like promotion in exchange for sexual favors, this is referred to as sexual harassment in the workplace. This is a form of discrimination on the basis of gender, although women do not qualify to be a protected group.
According to the video, the most relevant part of title 7 is dealing with employment. It deals with employment practices and the things they should not do during work. It also gives guidelines regarding segregation, discrimination, and limitations in the workplace.
Supreme Court justices have always been progressive. There have been changes in the manner in which various cases are handled in the courts of law. In some instances, intermediate scrutiny is applied to determine the constitutionality of the law. This implies that there are some cases when matter related to women discrimination are judged differently. In the current period, women are not treated as members of a minority group. Both males and females have equal chances, unlike it was the case in the 1950s. This has led to progressiveness in the Supreme Court justices.