HIST 102 Replies

Response to Richard Evans 

Hi Richard, great line of thought over there, technology led to industrialization and with industrialization came urban cities as people migrated from the rural areas to work in the factories and industries. In addition, people in the emerging cities were depending on crops from the rural areas and thus demand for crops increased and farmers were able to benefit. As of today, technology has led to growth of automated factories and industries and development in cities and towns. Technology has brought about the global market increases trade opportunities and more development. So it is right to say that technology not only led industrialization abut also the development of cities.

Response to Gidget Sanders 

Hi Gidget, great work over there, with industrialization, most of the population moved to the urban areas in search of work in the industries. This led to an increase in the population in the urban areas making it hard for the government to protect the environment and provide housing. The population in the cities grew rapidly and with the poor living conditions at the time, diseases spread and infant mortality rates rose. Cities became so overcrowded and having no adequate resources and systems set to protect the people, the poor were faced with many difficulties and the environment deteriorated. The reformers who tried to change these conditions made no significant impact.


Hi Abi, I like your line of thought, America has so often found itself in a situation where it cannot be able to take care of the some citizens especially the poor. The westward expansion led to the confinement of some natives into the less desirable areas of the west. These natives were displaced from their homes and they lost their way of life. In the industrialization period, the migration of people to the urban areas to work in the factories led to the overcrowding of cities and deterioration of living conditions. Ghettos rose up in the heart of cities such as New Yolk.

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