Hate Crimes

Hate Crimes

Hate Crime is an act of committing an injustice as a result of prejudice against a particular group. Hate crime does not necessarily require the perpetrator to feel hate, but instead, it needs a specific offense to be committed as a result of bias motivation. A journalist discovered the term hate crime in the 1980s (Gerstenfeld and Phyllis 23). It has however gotten worse in the recent years due to an increased population and diverse backgrounds in beliefs and gender. Most of the hate crimes are committed as a result of what target people represent. The perpetrators will feel no sympathy towards the victim involved. Hate crimes can result from racial discrimination, religious differences, and even gender discrimination. Hate crimes inflict fear among people in communities. They can be caused by defensiveness, thrill-seeking, and revenge.

In defensiveness, the ones attacking view themselves as defending or protecting their tuff. It could be their religion, their neighborhood or even their workplace (Gerstenfeld and Phyllis 24). The ones defending tend attacking specific victims while justifying their actions to keep threats at bay. A particular event mostly stimulates them. An example is a white man attacking a Chinese man complaining that the Chinese man is securing better employment opportunities than the Europeans.

In the case of thrill-seeking, an immature form of itch for either drama or excitement drives the offender. They invade a specific premise without any warnings just for the thrill of it. They may cause this kind of crime as a result of gender differences, sexual, ethnic as well as racial differences from those of their attackers (Gerstenfeld and Phyllis 24). The attackers in most cases tend to view the society as not caring about the ones being attacked and that they will be motivated to continue attacking them. An example is a group of young black men attacking a white person just because he is white not because he has committed any form of atrocity.

In the case of revenge, the Avengers usually act alone and target individual members of a particular group who they think or believe that they were responsible for that specific form of crime. The attackers will invade the premise of the victim even if the victim is not responsible for that particular form of crime (Gerstenfeld and Phyllis 25). An example is a woman killing an innocent man just because a man molested her and it prompted her to hate all men.

To conclude, hate crimes inflict fear among people in communities. Even though we have differences, we remain one people. In the case of defensiveness, the attackers should learn to defend their tuffs without necessarily victimizing a particular group. Thrill seekers should be discouraged by the community as well as the federal government and prosecute those who engage in hate crimes to scare them off. For the case of revenge, psychologists and psychiatrists should offer thorough counseling on the attackers to prevent generalization and victimization of innocent people. Hate crimes should not be alternatives for anyone.


Works cited

Gerstenfeld, Phyllis B. Hate crimes: Causes, controls, and controversies. Sage Publications, 2017.23-25.