Happiness extended definition

Happiness extended definition

Happiness is a difficult emotion to define, and there is no scientific definition to determine the feeling of happiness factually. However, using psychology and personal experiences, individuals can find a subjective interpretation of happiness. Happiness can be described as an emotion experienced during contentment or pleasure (Argyle chap 1). I believe that happiness is having positive thoughts and feelings, being in good moods, and having complete satisfaction with a person’s present situation. Therefore, this means that happiness is not a trait, but rather a state of being. Happiness is not the same as being joyful, blissful, or ecstatic. It is a feeling of being content with a situation. Happiness is not a permanent feeling; it is changeable depending on a person’s state of mind.

An article titled ‘These two minute daily habits will make you happier immediately, researchers say’ is about an interview conducted with Tony Anchor. In the interview, Anchor says that happiness “isn’t just about feeling good; it’s about the joy we feel while striving after our potential.” (Schulte para 1) According to anchor, advancements in technology has led people to become more interested in productivity and time management that has made us ignore the pursuit of happiness thus causing a state of constant worry and unhappiness. Anchor adds that happiness is an individual choice and only a person can choose to be happy or not.  Happiness comes from building meaningful connections in the workplace and developing in-depth and meaningful relationships outside of work (Schulte para 3). Happiness stems from having positive social connections and relationships.

Anchor disagrees that happiness can only be attained after one achieves success. He says that happiness is a state of mind and one can achieve it no matter their socio-economic status. The key to obtaining happiness is to have a positive mind. A positive mind, he says, helps to heighten our intelligence and to distract us from thinking about our stresses or anxieties. Anchor asserts that we limit both happiness and success when we attribute our happiness to success (Schulte para 10). He adds that the opposite is true because when we invest in happiness, it keeps our brains engaged and positive and therefore we can concentrate on achieving success even better. He contends that when people invest in happiness, it motivates them to seek happiness for everyone including their children, and their own selves.

Lastly, Anchor gives several examples of activities that one can engage in to help them obtain happiness. He asserts that if people invest two minutes every day to conduct these activities, then research shows that they will ultimately be happy.

The first activity is taking two minutes every day to think about the things that we are thankful for (Schulte para 12). He says that this activity trains our brains to look at the world in a positive way instead of looking at it threateningly.

The second activity, Anchor says, is taking two minutes a day to think a positive event that happened within 24 hours (Schulte para 16). Because the brain cannot differentiate between recall and real activities, it then doubles up the happy experience thus making us happy.

Thirdly, he advocates for taking fifteen minutes every day to exercise or perform cardiovascular activities (Schulte para 18). Doing this is equal to taking anti-depressants for six months because the brain sees it as a victory and is motivated to elicit happiness.

Another activity to achieve happiness is to take two minutes a day to focus on your breathing (Schulte para 19). Anchor says that this increases the level of accuracy, improves the level of happiness, and reduces stress levels.

Lastly, Anchor says that we should make conscious acts of kindness every day. He states that we should take at least two minutes a day to write a positive email or text message thanking or praising a different person each day (Schulte para 20). Doing this will enable you to get positive feedback that will make you happier and will also improve your social score.

In conclusion, Anchor’s article asserts that happiness is a personal choice and that we have control over our own happiness. By choosing to be happy, not only do we live a positive and fruitful life, but we also encourage and push other people to be happy.

Works Cited

Argyle, Michael. The psychology of happiness. Routledge, 2013.

Schulte, Brigid. “These Two Minute Daily Habits Can Make You Happier.” Washington Post. N.p., 2015. Web. 25 Mar. 2019.