Hypothesis (H1): Handwritten typefaces increase preference for the advertised product when used in the advertisement.
Hypothesis (H 2): Handwritten typefaces create the presence of other people when used in advertisements.
Human beings are social, and therefore the presence of others impacts their feelings. According to Schroll et al. (2018), the presence of other people does not have to be real or physical, but there are cues which can make people feel that they have others around them. Such cues are the ones which reflect or represent people’s character. Handwritten typefaces are among such signals that represent human character and therefore create a human presence. According to Ren et al. (2013), Candello et al. (2017) and Schroll et al. (2018), people perceive handwritten typefaces to be close to human and therefore, develop social relationships with them. The closeness is as a result of their resemblance to the human character of writing. Niu (2016), adds that the typefaces are charming because they resemble perfect human handwriting. People admire what others have better than them, and therefore, they will admire handwritten typefaces on an advert because they are usually perfect through computer generation. Durdyyeva (2014) and Bartal (2013) extends that position where they found that the handwritten typefaces are perceived to be other human beings and therefore people consider the adverts with such as part of the society.
Advertisements using handwritten typefaces increases connection with the audience because of the humanizing nature they create (Liu, 2019; Nazarkevych et al., 2017). The relationship and the human element further makes the audience develop an emotional attachment to the product which the advertisement demonstrates. Liu (2019), in research, found that using handwritten typefaces in a hotel menu increases the preference of the food. The emotions which the typefaces crate makes the audience to prefer the advertised product and the chances to buy it grows (Chemin, 2014; Candello et al., 2017; Kar et al., 2019). The typefaces therefore when used in advertisement creates the presence of others leading to the preference of the advertised product
The hypothesis is unique because it relates handwritten typefaces directly to the advertised product or company. Other researches or hypothesis have looked at the relationship between the fonts and the advertisement itself without looking at their impact or liking or disliking the advertised product.
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