Handling a top performer mean streak

Jane really has a problem. As the boss, she has to find a way of dealing with Andy. The primary role of any business is making profits and Andy is good at performance. This makes the decision of firing him almost impossible. Jane cannot just fire the highly performing employee. However, other techniques can be used by Jane to tame Andy. Jane’s predecessor had ignored the problem. However, for Jane she should not ignore this problem. It is clear that this problem is affecting the productivity of other employees. When Andy back down other employees in a meeting, the flow of ideas is affected and this affects the whole company. Ignoring the problem will not make it go away rather it will make it be progressive.

One of the ways to handle this is to invest in moral training. Jane should work with the upper management to initiate education programs on employee relations and conflict management. It is clear that Andy has a problem with conflict management and employee relations. This will ensure there is increased employee satisfaction in the job given that Andy’s behavior is very counterproductive to other employees.

Another thing would be to reduce the temptation. Andy is very nasty mostly to lower employees. However, he is usually nasty when someone says something or does something. To avoid confrontations with him, the employees should be encouraged to act accordingly when around him. In meetings, it should be made clear that one can only talk when given a chance failure to which one will be dismissed from the meeting. This will ensure that the leader in the meeting can be to control what Andy says and where his opinion is needed.

Jane can also consider the services of a counselor. She has already talked to Andy and he promised to change but he did not. It would be a high time to consult a professional counselor to help manage the behavior of Andy. It may be that the problem is not Andy but another social problem. A counselor would help determine what the problem is really and how it can be solved. With the assessment of the counselor, Jane can then make an informed decision of how to handle Andy.

Another thing that Jane can do is to control the work environment. It may be hard to control Andy’s behavior but it is possible to control the work environment. People behave differently in different situations. The situations which make Andy be nasty should be controlled at all costs.

Firing Andy may not be an option to Jane. The cost of replacing such a productive employee is high. However, if he is affecting the productivity of other employees, his problem should be controlled. If the problem can really not be controlled, it would be good to just let him go instead of him making every other employee uncomfortable.


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