Google Ethics

Google Ethics

Throughout the world, having a code of conduct in any company or organization is an important aspect of informing the ethical behavior in the organization as well as shaping the decision making process of all employees in the organization. The success of the uptake of such codes of conduct is solely dependent on different factors that influence their uptake and implementation in the organization. Key among these factors is the attitude that employees have with regard to the principles stipulated in the code(Erwin, 2011). As much as codes of conducts need to focus on how employees can act while representing the organization either to clients or other organizations and stakeholders, they need to be fashioned in a way that they contribute to the success of the employees in their journey towards personal and professional fulfillment.

Since the year 2000, Google has been having a code of conducts that has been driving it towards achieving the highest ethical standard possible. Through the provision of their services, through the search engine, products and other services, they have strived to give their clients the best experience. Till April 2018, the company has had the clause “Don’t be evil” in its code of conduct, a clause that has guided a lot its employees’ interaction with the different stakeholders as well as in the process of processing given products. In the code that has been in use till that time, the company explains that the three word clause was applied by all employees when serving all users of the search engine. Through the clause, the organization sought to get to ensure that provide data to the users in a way that the data is not biased in any way(Carbone & News, 2018). In addition, they sought to be in a position to meet the unique needs of the different users through ensuring that they get the highest standards of products and services. The company further sought to achieve this while observing the law as well as creating a great working environment where the employees respected each other and treated each other in a courteous manner.

From April 2018, the three word clause has been almost entirely removed from Google’s code of conduct. This is a move that has raised a number of concerns from different players. This has been to extent that some players feel like the company has retracted its commitment to continue striving to achieve and provide highest standards when providing products and services to its clients. The revision of the code of conduct has further brought unexpected reactions even from the employees of the company(“Google quietly removes ‘don’t be evil’ preface from code of conduct | The Independent,” n.d.). Since the three word clause had been born from the experiences different employees had come across, the omission in the revised code of conduct has appeared to go against the expectations of such employees.

The update of the code of conduct by Google to deemphasize themotto “Don’t do evil” has further been felt like a move of the company to soften its well-known stance on ethical misconduct. The fact that clause has been deemphasized seems to be a great deal for many people who have learnt of the changes. Some players feel that the Motto was a strong and with greater impact in how the business of the company has been handled over the years, yet simple to understand, both to the employees of the company as well as other key stakeholders outside the company(“Google Removes ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Clause From Its Code Of Conduct,” 2018). Replacing the clause with just “ethical business conduct” as it is in the revised code of conduct, has therefore been felt like a move to soften the reputable stance against ethical misconduct.

These claims have been backed up by the fact that during the same period when the code of conduct was being updated, Google has been working on a project that seeks to develop Artificial Intelligence technology weapons for the military. The company has been requested to abandon the project by different researchers in the field of artificial intelligence, but has carried on with the project. As a result, a number of employees from the company have since resigned their positions citing ethical concerns with the employer. Some of these employers have cited direct relationship to the fact that the company is working in the weapons project. These employs think that carrying on the project has greatly contradicted the “Don’t be evil” motto. More than three thousand employees have further taken part in the creation and signing of a letter against the project. The employees stated that they believed that the company should not have been involved in any business related to war(Carbone & News, 2018). They therefore sought to have the company withdraw from the project. The company has however not yet responded to the letter.

Codes of conduct in the different organization play very important roles, both within the organization and even outside the organization. In Google, like many other organizations, the code of conduct enhanced the core values of the organization as well as acts as a point of reference in setting the right culture and organizational beliefs(Stevens, 2008). The “don’t be evil” unofficial motto has for a long time been the point of reference when employees of the company engage in different functions in the company. In addition, the motto has defined the mission of the organization with regard to how it gets to execute its mandate and reach its goals.

The code of conduct has further built a reputation for the organization in that clients and other external stakeholders and parties have known Google for being deliberate in ensuring that employees avoid all forms and manners of evil in what they do(“Google quietly removes ‘don’t be evil’ preface from code of conduct | The Independent,” n.d.). The company has been known for ensuring that the highest possible business and ethical standards are adhered to all the time. This has for a long time ensure that the company stands out amongst its competitors.

Having a firm code of conduct has further ensured that all employs are aware of what is expected of them as well as what they cannot do. This has therefore ensured that the employees have not been in cases of violating regulations and laws that are set, either while working within the organization’s premises as well as outside the organization. In addition, the code of conduct has made it possible for the organization to create a friendly environment where work is done. This has especially been achieved through the fact that the employees need to respect each other at the work place in accordance to the code(Carbone & News, 2018). As a result, an environment where trust among the employees is evident has been fostered.

The change of the code of conduct by Google continues to raise many questions as different players with concerns and interests of the company wondering whether the company is softening the code that has created such a great reputation for them. It is not clear why the company have been deliberate to deemphasize that clause that had become very popular among both the employees as well as other keen followers of the company.

However, there are a number of reasons why organizations may feel the need to update their code of conducts. Like discussed, codes of conduct play a very important role in the process of carrying out the day to day activities of any organization. When such codes of conduct change, all these areas are affected in one way or another. However, it is rare that organizations will update their codes of conduct to be more lenient with ethical misconduct. As organizations strive to grow, they will strive to get better at what they do and how they do it. Organization will want to grow from all angles as opposed to just one aspect(Erwin, 2011). The code of conduct is of the documents in the organization that will ensure that this kind of growth is achieved. This is the case since the document addresses all areas in which the organization operates.

With the update of the code of conducts, despite the different feelings and perceptions that have emerged from different players, the company has hoped to better its services. Considering the content of the updated code of conduct, the company has been striving to put itself in a better position to serve its clients as well as have better working conditions for the employees. Though some of the employees have considered the partnership with the military as a wrong move that could potentially contradict the famous motto “don’t be evil”, the company has positioned itself in a better position to make even a bigger impact on the world.

Google’s updated code of conduct has eight main sections within which are subsections. Before the first section, the code explains what the code of conduct intends to achieve as well as who is expected to follow it. Secondly, the document explains the procedures that any employee or player can follow if they have concerns that regard the code. The company has further included a clause of no retaliation as well as what one may need to do if they feel that have been retaliated against(“Alphabet Investor Relations,” n.d.). The code is deliberate to include high standards of ethics, despite having deemphasized on the “don’t be evil” clause.

The first section focuses on how the different users of the company’s products and services should be served. Under this section, the document focuses on integrity, being useful to the users, ensuring privacy, and freedom of expression and security to the users, being responsive in cases that have been raised by the users and being deliberate about ensuring that the users have experienced the best services when using the engine. Employees have been tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that users have been served with the highest possible standards according to the law.

The second section focuses on how the employees of organization need to support each other and be deliberate to create working environment that is friendly to all. The company has ensured that employment is solely based on merit and the qualifications of the candidates seeking the job. The company further goes ahead to prohibit discrimination, harassment and bullying based on whatever basis. To better the working conditions at the company, Google has further prohibited drugs and alcohol as well as any form of violence at the workplace. There have been clear measures that have been put in place in which different concerns, conflicts and disagreements can be resolved in a professional way(“Alphabet Investor Relations,” n.d.). This further indicates the far the organization is willing to go to ensure that the highest ethical standards are observed.

The third section focuses on conflict of interest avoidance and ensuring that all processes are duly followed in cases where there is potential of the same. This sections guides even how employees in the company are supposed to deal with gifts and other courtesies due to google business. From this section, observing ethics have been emphasized in all dealings within and even outside the company. The fourth section has covered preserving the confidentiality of the organization. This section has started with a clear and concise explanation on why the organizational sensitive information need to be considered confidential and treated as such.

The fifth section is about protecting the assets of the organization including the intellectual property, network, equipment, and maintaining physical security. The code has further explained how the company facilities should and should not be used. The sixth section has great focus on the responsibility and integrity that is expected of the employees when they are dealing with financial matters. The seventh sections brings in the law aspect in all organizational activities and urges the employees to ensure that the law is observed all the time. This is inclusive of the trade laws, competition laws, and laws about anti-bribery, insider trading laws, and dealing with governmental and non-governmental institutions. The final section is a conclusion section(“Alphabet Investor Relations,” n.d.).

From the analysis of the code of conduct, the company do not seem to have softened any part of the code of conduct as well as its stance for ethical misconduct. Actually, the company seems to have improved for the better for both employees and users.



Alphabet Investor Relations. (n.d.). Retrieved January 29, 2019, from

Carbone, C., & News, F. (2018, May 22). Google revises code of conduct, removes ‘Don’t be evil.’ Retrieved January 28, 2019, from

Erwin, P. M. (2011). Corporate Codes of Conduct: The Effects of Code Content and Quality on Ethical Performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 99(4), 535–548.

Google quietly removes ‘don’t be evil’ preface from code of conduct | The Independent. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2019, from

Google Removes “Don’t Be Evil” Clause From Its Code Of Conduct. (2018, May 19). Retrieved January 28, 2019, from

Stevens, B. (2008). Corporate Ethical Codes: Effective Instruments For Influencing Behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 78(4), 601–609.

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