Global Warming

Global Warming

Global warming is major concerned due to the adverse effects to the livelihood of humans. The devastating impact such as increased global temperatures, food insecurity, health issues and varied climate changes are some of the challenges associated with global warming. Emissions of dangerous gases with greenhouse effects are a common occurrence especially in the United States. It is, therefore, paramount for the United States to put policies aimed at reducing the impact of global climate change (Cullenward, Koomey, Weyant & Wara, 2013). Most of the gases responsible for global warming are as a result of using petroleum products and use of fossils for energy solutions. To solve this problem, United States must invest heavily in technology that will promote the use of green energy. Use of renewable energy sources and natural sources such as power and solar energy should be encouraged in the United States.

United States government must also come up with policies that will regulate the emission of dangerous gases to the environment. The state should enact strict legislations that put sharp limits on the levels of CO2 gases emitted by the industries. It is also important for the federal government to ensure that threatened forests are preserved at all costs (Loucks, 2012). By so doing, the government will reduce the global emissions resulting from deforestation activities substantially.

The United States must be at the forefront of dealing with the issue of global warming concept.  However, the changes aimed at reducing effects of global warming will have significant economic impacts. For instance, use of green technology will result in decreased use of oil most of which in abundance into the Gulf of Mexico (Selin & VanDeveer, 2009). This will have significant impacts on the economy of oil producing countries as people turn to low-carbon sources of energy. An introduction of the carbon tax will also be an important source of government funding.


Cullenward, D., Koomey, J., Weyant, J., & Wara, M. (2013). Essays in energy economics and climate policy.

Loucks, E. (2012). World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2012. Reston, Va.: American Society of Civil Engineers.

Selin, H., & VanDeveer, S. (2009). Changing climates in North American politics. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

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