Global Marketing Management

Global Marketing Management


Cultural detachment refers to the diversity in morals and communication approaches that are rooted in traditions. Distance is a situation where groups or individuals perceive their communication techniques and principles differ from others. Culture also increases the desire of obtaining certain commodities. Therefore, marketers must categorize various beliefs of the target population. The step will significantly assist in promoting a product. Though, the only challenge is that every region has a culture that differs with those of other areas. The target audience can be a particular area or areas that are within the same nation (Flint 2004, pg 50). Besides, one can aim to market in different countries in case of global promotion. Today’s business environment is gradually moving from their home regions to international markets. Therefore, it is vital to comprehend the global client traditions since it influences the behavior of the consumers. As a result, this knowledge can assist the corporation in penetrating to other areas. This means that cultural difference must be taken into consideration when localizing marketing plans. It is vital to comprehend the aspects of traditional magnitudes because culture tends to sway the decisions that individuals make. People’s beliefs influence how society’s members interact and their purchase decisions. This essay will focus on the role of cultural distance in business and its importance to the general public.


Several theories of traditional detachment can be used in this discussion. The first one is the Hofstede model. The scholar mainly concentrates on the issue of social inequalities. He explained how power is not distributed in most families.

Moreover, he lamented that this unfair behavior is a challenge in most societies. Though, the degree of illegal sharing of power differs from one region to the next. Hofstede advises people to embrace individualism and look for themselves before joining a group. Moreover, most of these communities are individualistic. (Katsikeas 2006, pg 544).

Additionally, he deliberated on the importance of understanding the importance of culture in business. Therefore, he emphasized that comprehending the traditions of different nations is essential in global trade. However, the critics argued that his approach could not produce accurate results if he failed to use the right tools and methodologies.


Besides, there is also the Schwartz model which is a contemporary theory in the field of business. He suggests that personal and cultural analyses are different. Also, cultural dimensions offer solutions on how the behavior of human beings can be regulated. It is because individuals may be unfair to each other if their conduct is not checked. He further argued that most values are motivational factors. His focus was on the fundamental basic needs of individuals. Schwartz came up with various benefits that were associated with this concept. He observed that there was critical for one to maintain personal contact with close associates like family members is essential in case someone requires help.


Additionally, he emphasized on tolerance, appreciation, and safeguarding of other people’s welfare. Social justice should be the primary drive that motivates individuals to behave in a particular manner. Additionally, it stimulates the public to make independent decisions without being coerced by anyone. The benefit of this approach is that it decreases conflicts among the members of the people. Another feature of this model is that it advocates for harmony and co-existence among the citizens ( LaPlaca 2007, pg 843). The theorist also talked about the issue of conformity. This is where one should refrain from engaging in actions that can harm others. It also encourages personal success where people are supposed to show their competence. Finally, persons are supposed to be committed to their traditions and have power over resources.

Trompenaar theory

This concept stresses the role that culture plays in cultural associations. Traditions lay a foundation on the laws that govern individuals in society. Therefore, it influences individuals to focus on personal relationships. It is applicable in an organization where the senior staff openly criticizes the junior team. It happens because lower level staff must be submissive to top level management. In this theory, individuals express their feelings naturally and openly. Therefore, people can decide to show their anger without any fear. However, people who practice neutral traditions tend to hide their emotions. Individual achievements are recognized in this system as people are awarded according to their performance. Moreover, this approach believes that individuals can control nature. Therefore, people should adapt to the environment.

The Globe project is a theory that works well in the industrial sector. It compared community traditions and leadership in 60 societies. This concept is essential as it examines the present system of management as a way of predicting the future (Vranes 2011, pg 142). It is because the position of the current administrators will be taken in the future. Therefore, the traditional forms of leadership will be replaced by new ones. The project mainly uses a prototype to demonstrate the effectiveness and short-comings of student leadership; Critics have disagreed with this theory because it is based on assumptions.

Strengths of the Hofstede model

One of the advantages of this theory is that it examines the organizational tradition and the country’s culture. It is essential for global entities as it boosts the morale of workers and gives better alternatives on how to solve to solve conflicts in the company. The concept also plays a crucial role in decreasing social inequalities in the community. It is essential to address the challenge as it leads to equitable distributable of resources. The concept also explains the role that culture plays in global businesses. Thus, this understanding can help corporations to thrive.



Hofstede theory uses an outdated tradition that ignores the positive impacts of globalization. This ultimately defeats the objectives of the investigation. He also assumed that location does not affect employee which is not accurate. Individuals react differently depending on the situation facing them. It also implies that social equalities can be eliminated. In this case, they can only be minimized.

Strengths of the Schwartz model

This theory helps in regulating the conduct of individuals. As a result, it ensures that people embrace good morals. It focuses on the fundamental human needs that are essential for survival. The theory also advocates for fair treatment among all persons. Finally, it enables individuals to make their own decisions without any influence from anyone.


It ignores the fact the certain behaviors cannot be easily be regulated through morals. Additionally, it assumes that all individuals will access their basic wants which are not true. The concept also ignores the issue of exploitation that is rampant in society. Ultimately, it ignores that group leaders must make some decisions.

Strengths of Trompenaar theory

The concept focuses more on personal associations that are helpful in life. It also helps to develop good laws that assist in governing citizens. It gives people an opportunity to express themselves without fear. It also motivates individuals by recognizing their achievements.


It concentrates on traditions and fails to recognize that the world is changing. It fails to identify that there are certain circumstances where nature is beyond human control. It always believes that human beings will influence their surroundings. It does not indicate the specific approach that is used to reward performance.

Strengths of the Globe project

The theory prepares the young generation to take over from the current crop of leaders. It creates innovation and brings new ideas to the entity. It also gives an opportunity to the future leaders to be mentored. It also establishes procedures that allow for a peaceful transition.


The theory undermines the current leadership in the entity despite their enormous experience. Additionally, it assumes that the future generation will have better skills than the current leaders. Besides, it also believes that students will automatically take over from the present leaders and this is not the case.


Hofstede model assumes that the uniform cultures are applicable in business. However, the situation is different in the Schwartz model that indicates that people have different traditions. Trompenaar assumes that personal relations originate from culture. It implies that these associations are a foundation of contemporary laws (LaPlaca, 2007). The Group project is based on a case study involving cultures in sixty societies. It mainly focuses on old leadership that should be replaced by the future generation that is assumed to have new ideas. The new cohort is also expected to be active than the present leaders who are expected to retire soon.

The similarity between the three concepts is that they emphasize the importance of culture in society. It influences the behaviors of people and the business decisions they make. All three theories also state that tradition is an important aspect that determines people’s way of life.


Some of the companies that have embraced the idea of cultural distance to fit different nations comprise of Samsung and Tecno corporations. The two corporations learn market trends before investing in another country. First, they modify their products to meet the needs of their customers. In this case, they listen to their grievances before addressing their issues. The primary objective is to ensure that clients do not shift to the competitors’ products.

The two firms also engage in communication adaptations to convey its benefits in a better way to the consumers of their products. They usually demonstrate how to use their products and their features. For example, the two entities can inform their clients that their smartphones can take excellent photos even if the weather is not favorable (Perrewé 2011,pg 257). Communication between the company and the customers is vital as it assists in decreasing inconveniences. However, their ways of conveying their messages must conform to the business regulations of that nation — most of the items that the two corporations export ensure that they meet the regulatory and cultural requirements.

Besides, the two corporations are also keen to conserve the environment in their areas of operation. For instance, they control sound, water and air pollution in their regions. They also produce items that are safe for human consumption. In this case, they ensure that their electronic products such as phones do not have side effects on the customers. Additionally, they localize their items and adapt them to the local market. One of the approaches is via translations and adapting graphics to the local market. For instance, the user manual can be changed into local languages to enable the audience to know how they can use the devices.


Culture plays a vital role in transforming society. It determines how individuals relate to each other and do business. The issue of cultural detachment also affects international trade. It is because of the geographical distances that exist between nations that are far from each other. However, it is essential for any individual to understand the nation’s traditions before engaging in global trade. These cultures are different in other countries because their way of life is different from each other. Comprehending these issues will assist the business in meeting the demands of their customers. Some of the theories that can be used in global industry comprise of Hofstede model, Schwartz, and Trompenaar among others. Though, individuals must assess the merits and disadvantage of each concept before deciding on one. Investigations also reveal that each theory is useful and cannot be used depending on the situation at hand. The arguments also have some disparities as mentioned earlier, but their point of convergence is culture. They focus on how the issue of traditions can affect international trade. Besides, international trade should be encouraged as it encourages people to exchange cultures and ideas. Also, nations and people can get what they do not produce.

















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