Genetically Modified Foods are Safe for Consumption

The debate on whether genetically modified foods are safe for consumption has been going on for a long time. This is regardless of the different studies that have been conducted to help shed some light on the issue. Most of the arguments are just based on what people believe rather than the facts on the issue (Freedman 89). The arguments resonate with both professionals and the general public.

In my opinion, genetically modified foods are safe for consumption. GMOs are just animals or plants whose genes have undergone some changes through the work of scientists. These changes are not a bad thing. They tend to happen in nature. Whatever crop or animal that people consume at the present is not similar to what existed thousands of years ago. Genes are usually responsible for various traits and characteristics among living things (Siegel and Suzanne). Useful traits are likely to help the animals and plants to thrive or survive in a better way compared to those without. As a result, they are passed along and in the long-run they become common. By way of mixing different plant species there has been the ability to develop papayas that are free of viruses. This is a good thing and it is a way of showing how GMO has improved this fruit hence making it safe for consumption.

Genetically modified foods have been in existence since the 1990s. There are countries that have allowed for the foods to be produced in their nation over this period. All along, there have not been health effects being reported as a result of consuming these products (Haspel). If the genetically modified foods were not safe for consumption, they will have caused serious health problems by now. However, this is not the case hence it is informed to conclude that they are safe for consumption.

Some of the GMOs are usually developed using extra minerals, vitamins and other health benefits. Some are engineered so that they can offer more vitamin A. This is something that helps to reduce blindness and other vitamin A related deficiency problems (Freedman 36). This is an indication that in addition to being safe, genetically modified foods can be used to bring more health benefits to the consumers.

Another issue that people worry about regarding genetically modified food is whether it has the ability to change one’s DNA. This is something that cannot occur. Genetic material is not something that can just be tacked on just like a pin. An “added” gene will not fall off and stick to yours. The body contains bacteria-fighting processes and enzymes that tend to prevent genetic invasion (Siegel and Suzanne). Putting things in perspective, anything that people consume contains a DNA that is “foreign” to the body regardless of  whether it is GMO or not.

In conclusion, the debate on whether genetically modified foods are safe for consumption has become widespread and is not likely to end any time soon. However, it is somewhat evident that genetically modified foods are safe for consumption. Since the introduction of these types of foods, there has not been evidence pointing to their harmful effects among the people that have consumed them.

Works Cited

Freedman, Jeri. Genetically Modified Food: How Biotechnology Is Changing What We Eat. 1st ed., New York, NY, Rosen Pub. Group, 2010,.

Haspel, Tamar. “Scientists Say GMO Foods Are Safe, Public Skepticism Remains”. The Plate, 2016,

Siegel, Kate and Suzanne Verity. “What You Need To Know About Gmos”. Webmd, 2017,


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