Gender Roles in Leadership

Gender Roles in Leadership


The role of gender in leadership is a concept that is emerging in the current century. Traditionally, women had been excluded from leadership in many organizations based on their societal branded roles of home keeping and exclusion from complicated tasks. This makes it necessary to evaluate the influence that the combination of both genders can bring in an organization. Most researches that have been conducted have shown that there are many misconceptions about female gender and their abilities. One of the areas of focus is the leadership areas for organizations. Incorporating them in a male-dominated society may bring a significant impact that has been missing for an extended period. This discussion, therefore, evaluates the role of gender in leadership and the influence that they result when the female gender is given the opportunity to lead in organizations. It is based on an analysis of the various perspectives that individuals have researched based on female gender.

Keywords: stereotype,Gender, leadership, entrepreneurship, culture,

Gender Roles in Leadership

Direction is one of the factors that are essential for the development of any organization or institution. It gives the power to achieve the vision and mission of an organization simply. Therefore leadership in an organization is based on the ability to solve the complicated task in a way that is simple and inspire others to follow the same root in achieving it. The way to make proper leadership require combining different brains and promoting diversity based on race, culture religion and gender. This diversity is essential for an organization and they lead to a situation of combined effort and teamwork for the success of such an institution.  This discussion, therefore, focuses on the role of gender in promoting a leadership quality that brings change in the entire system of an institution.

For many centuries, women have been denied opportunities to work and hold a leadership position in organizations or societies. The stigmatization is based on the fact that women are viewed as weaker minded and incapable of making decisions that would create an impact in the community.  This reason makes them be associated with other roles that make then junior to men and therefore create a society that promotes gender biasedness. Men have consequently dominated the leadership positions and thus, create a mentality that it is not possible for women to lead or provide a solution to situations in the organization.

However, there are many types of research that have indicated that gender plays a critical role in determining the fate of an organization. The gender factor in leadership is based on giving the opportunity to both male and female gender to lead and provide directions on to an institution based on the merits.With this effect, several factors come in with a gender balance in workplaces.The gender biasness makes the institutions to have fewer women than men in leadership.  The big concerns are that whether a good leadership depends on gender.It is also worth questioning why up to this century, there are few women in leadership position than men.  An analysis of the impact of both genders in leadership therefore gives an insight for the   real image of the role of gender in the various leadership positions.

There are several reasons that have been cited for the reason for few women in leadership.One of such factor is the early childhood socialization in the nuclear family. These families are responsible for the instillation of the various gender behaviors for their children. It is common to see that a female child will always   be taught to be submissive, passive, and avoided competition and aggressiveness.They are also taught avoid risk taking and all other qualities that promote femininity in the society. At old age, the attitude developed from childhood becomes a major hindrance to the inability of a female gender to compete with their male counterpart.  This therefore is one of the factors that have been essential in reducing the potentiality of   female gender in many institutions and organization.

There is a tendency of discrimination of female gender based on promotion and assigning roles in various organizations. This is always based on personal choices. Moreover, there are few women and men who are willing to mentor women for leadership positions.Women may also have a difficulty in mobility, this implies that management positions that require movements from one place to another may be hectic to woman since they also have a family role to play. These factors may therefore restrict the ability of women. However, they are just created ideologies based on restrictions based on gender.

An analysis of the behaviors between male and female leadership show different variations.Even though female have always been stigmatized from leadership, those who manages to ascend to leadership have no significant behavior from their male counterparts in the same position. Even though leadership styles may be different based on different personalities, there is no s difference that indicate the character of women that may influence the leadership style.There are some studies which have shown a difference in style of task accomplishment between male and female leaders.

Effect of gender on leadership

Even though some of the leadership skills have been labeled as male and others have been predominantly female, it is a proper combination of that skill that makes a great leadership.According to the past experiences and researches, a successful leaders is one who places the right value in an organization. He or she applies those values in the making of sound decision and ensuring an installation of a culture presents individuals with challenges and opportunities that are growth oriented in equal measures.Such a leader has the ability to foster the work environment that cherished diversity. This implies that the diversity is not just based on gender but others such as background approaches to problem solving, and experiences that will put best ideas to the table.

These qualities in a leader do not depend on the gender of the individual. Both male and female can develop such skills which will have a great impact for the organization. Many researches have also indicated that there is always a strong balance of men and women in leadership positions. In this case, organization which have a gender balance in their leadership structure is likely to get a positive result in their performance   since the best is always selected for the position regardless the gender. His therefore gives the company an opportunity to explore the skills of individuals.  Giving opportunity to   every gender based on their capability will lead to a positive change.

It is worth noting that currently, women in leadership positions undergo much higher challenges than their male counterparts. Researches show that their performance in sin such positions, in most cases tend to outdo their males in the shape positions. One of the researches indicates that a   female must beat all the males in the place. She overcomes challenges su in a male dominated and a competitive field, making her a star in the fields. Their leadership styles tend to outshine the rest and therefore they make the best leaders in their current positions.

Women in business are expected to deal with  far more difficult challengers than men. in this case, they are expected to play the traditional role as women of mother like cooking, school volunteering,  give birth  and organize home. These also take a big role in their lives. Giving such women leadership role may be much committing you them since they have to balance between family and work. This may make their leadership inefficient than their male counterparts. It indicates that female leaders have to be many times better than their male counterparts, and prove to be capable of handling the hectic traditional role before rising to leadership.

Most organization under the leadership of women may lag behind due to the effect of other gender discrimination. It indicates that they may lack command to implement the policies due to the fear of their male counterparts. However, there are indications that the general change of the public view on the female gender and the acceptance of the female gender in the leadership positions will enable them gain the command for the leadership skills that is required on them.

Women who manage to beat the odds of the society and the male dominated work places without being handed the position by the principle of gender balance are much likely to create a difference for the this case, they have learned the trait of being competitive and competence for the organization. An organization which therefore cherishes the efforts of women without any form of discrimination is likely to be on top of the scale and have the ability to rule the whole system in a more effective way.

Barriers to women leadership

There are many reasons for women not getting advancements in organizations. One of them is the glass ceiling and the glass wall as the main barriers of women leadership. The invisible barrier, that is referred to as a glass ceiling denies such women opportunities for promotion in a male dominated organization that discriminates against women. the lack of lateral movement is among the factors that deprive such women of experience, the concept of the discrimination is just a mere ideology that does not   prove that men are better than women in management, but rather  it is based on the stereotyped   belief that  women cannot handle complicated task in the management position  or leadership.

Women are also known to sabotage themselves in work places. In this case, the personality character that makes them put much stress on their traditional role of feminisms becomes a major barrier to the female leadership in most organizations.These include passive communication style,nurturing behavior, emotionality, non-assertiveness and a general submission for the purpose of harmony and team work. This therefore indicates their unwillingness to show the leadership qualities that is required for the organization. It kills their ability to compete and outshine the rest. This is a factor that therefore influences the   availability of few individuals in the job places with female gender to take active leadership role.

Culture is a major prohibiting factor for women leadership. These cultures tend to be pervasive, subtle, and create myths and false perceptions that are created in early childhood. They tend to be the main source of barriers to women leadership that can be traced to the socialization process where the role of gender is set. He genders stereotypes tend to express itself in women’s perceive of leadership role. This ac of selection of roles based on gender is a contributing factor for the lack of the desire for women to take an active leadership role in organization. It therefore does not indicate that they are naturally incapable to achieve the required leadership tasks, but rather they have been limited by their own   beliefs and the beliefs set to them by society in the pursuit of active leadership for many organizations.

Perceptions of leadership effectiveness based on gender

Gender has been a major factor that has been blamed on the leadership effectiveness in most organization. there are several perceptions that have  been created on the organizations which are women led and those that are men lead or dominated the first perception that become dominant is that  women are weak and do not have the required qualities to lead men and an entire organization or a political  atmosphere. This is based on the created role of the society and the view that they are weak. They may not have the command to create a culture that may be required for the achievement of the goals and visions for the organization. This perception has therefore prevented many women from taking leadership roles.  It is an ideology that is created by the culture.

However, women in leadership have proven this perception to be wrong.Most organization that promotes women leadership and has a well-balanced gender ratio is known to be among the most achieving. They have a culture that brings the best out of individuals regardless the gender. It therefore gives opportunity to any individuals with the skulls to create a positive change in the delivery of services to the firm. Women who manage to be in such positions of leadership are not weak. They perform effectively and in most cases, they have promoted an effective change in the achievement of the gals of the organization.

Another perception of gender biasedness on leadership is the fact that female gender does not have the ability to deal with complicated matters of management. They are controlled by emotions and may therefore be weak at taking decisions which do not require tender heat.  This factor therefore limits their ability to rule and make great leaders who can inspire change in the organization or business. However, the truth about this theory is not valued. In many instances, the inabilities to make firm decisions that will inspire change depend on the leadership skills and ability that an individual have.  Taking serious actions and implementing organizational policies depends on the ability of an individual. This is not based on the gender or the sex of an individual. It is therefore a fallacy that women are not capable of such leadership decisions from the fact of their gender. In fact, it is a way that has been used to limit their capability in the leadership and therefore does not hold any truth on the    leadership structure of a company or an organization.

Influence of women in leadership

Women in leadership have always instilled a positive perspective in the minds of individuals and organization. Most women in entrepreneurship and the general leadership have some special influence that makes them desirable for the achievement of a company or such organizations. One of their influences is the social motivation and achievements for the organizations.  With women in the top, organizations are likely to be oriented towards promoting family friendly policies for the employees. This is a factor that is lacking in male leadership, since in most cases; the male gender is insensitive to family matters. The policies that support family will therefore enable the employees to have a complete life, full of happiness and promotes a culture of family in the conduct of business in organizations.

Teamwork, and collectivism is created by the concept of family and love, for a team to operate, the feeling of care must be instilled. Supportive principles that enable employees feel complete and all rounds are likely to create high productive employees. As a result, organizations with family friendly policies tend to remain in the top and employees have high rate of motivations than those with no family friendly policies. This factor proves the important influence of women in the leadership position.

Entrepreneurship is a concept that needs   innovation and beating the odds of a competitive market.The greater growth of capacities a achieved through entrepreneurship. From a participatory point of view, when the female leaders have a greater influence on the activities of the company, it is likely to beat the traditional male dominated organization.This is developed from a concept of the requirement for dynamic as a way of influencing change. Creating positions that allow any gender to  create an opportunity to achieve the best based on the merits of the leader.The female gender are so successful in beating the odds of dynamics, making them important aspect of promoting a proper elder ship.

The social impact of women in leadership is one that cannot be ignored for many organizations.It is clear that the increasing number of female executive at corporative entrepreneurship will have a great impact on boosting the motivations and performance.It is an impact that is likely to translate to, greater participation in decision making process by all members of the organization based on the awareness of the needs of the society from both gender approaches. The social impact is also based on the fact that they create a happy mood for the organization and ensure that the environment is lively enough to influence the required changes.

despite the positive influence of  both gender approach in the management and leadership structure of the firms, there are several negative influence that are likely to be of such include the conflict that the female  are likely to face . Such include the motherhood, marriage, and the house chores.  According to the tradition, Female gender ids supposed to stay with her husband and take care of the family needs. This makes them immobile and therefore may limit their capability to influence changes in the organizations.  This therefore makes intercessory to develop policies that are female friendly and will enable taking care of family matters, since family is a basic need of a complete society.


The importance of gender leadership in organizations is an important factor that cannot be ignores in a complete set up of a society.  the fact that t businesses are becoming dynamic each day and may call for several  changes based on management  skills require the effort of both genders in the  society. This reason makes it necessary to incorporate the female in the leadership. Organizations which are led by women tend to blend to the dynamic corporate world than organizations which are male dominated.Incorporating female leadership therefore bring with it a lot of advantages that are with mentioning in every sector of the world.


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