Fundraising for Nonprofit Organizations

Fundraising for Nonprofit Organizations

Charity organizations play a significant role in alleviating suffering among different groups. They are readily available to help when disaster strikes and go a long way to provide various services such as counseling, medical attention, and shelter whenever a need crops up. Other organizations such as the American Hearts Association have been beneficial in creating awareness of cardiovascular diseases. Non-profit organizations rely on funds from donors to efficiently run their operations and have a positive impact on communities. However, the organization has to motivate the donor by providing reasons why it deserves the funding and not the other competing organization in the market. Proper communication motivates the donor to contribute towards the course of the not-for-profit organization. The donor will ask some crucial questions before funding. If the charity organizations respond accordingly, the donor may be motivated to contribute towards the organization’s activities.

I think that the donor will be concerned about the organization’s mission, vision, and programs offered. If the charity organization struggles in articulating its mission and vision, the donor will be prompted to doubt the organization’s ability to manage the funds. Donors are motivated by different reasons to give as explained in Sargeant and Shang (2010). Some of them are driven by religious beliefs, while others are rational individuals that believe in the common good for the community. They would not wish to see their donations wasted by organizations that do not have a goal or mission for members of society. The charity organization should clearly communicate its short-term and long-term goals to convince the donor why it deserves the funds and how the funds will be accounted for. Some donors may want to know about the past achievements of the organization. When this happens, the organization should be ready to provide evidence of how it accounted for funds.

Some donors will be concerned about the impact and progress that charity organizations have made. Donors will ask questions about success history and how the organization defines success. According to the Foundation Source (2017), the number of charity organizations in the United States is currently above 1.5 million. During fundraising events, the organization has to articulate its uniqueness in the market and how it has impacted the lives of others. It should also clarify how it reaches out to donors and how donors have benefited from its programs. If a donor is giving in memory of a loved one, the organization should make sure that the giver is satisfied with his intentions of giving. One way of doing this is to keep the donor informed of progress at the charity, the breakthroughs the organization has made, and even invite the donor to participate in events and activities at the organization. It is not the responsibility of the donor to follow up and inquire about the progress. Instead, it is the responsibility of the organization to keep the donor informed of development at the organization.

Charity organizations operate in a competitive environment like any other business. They rely on well-wishers to fund their activities and course of helping humanity. When donors give, they expect that the charity organization will play a steward role in helping the needy on behalf of the giver. Charitable organizations can motivate donors to contribute by articulating the mission, vision, and programs that they intend to carry out. Proper communication before, during, and after the donation has been received motivates the donor to give again or recommend a friend in future.


Eight questions to consider before making a donation (2017). Foundation Source. Retrieved from

Sargeant, A., & Shang, J. (2010). Fundraising principles and practice (Vol. 17). New York: John Wiley & Sons.