The statistic evaluation entailed on Bureau of Transportation depicts an intriguing aspect in the airline transportation department. The cognitive analysis shows data fluctuation over a given period, ascertaining likely results from the departments. Frequent activities occur within the department, enumerating the aspect of shifting sales financially.
The analogy of applying ceteris paribus in the case evaluates what influences the demand-supply curve in the airline database. An increase in prices or a random shoot up of flight charges might lead to a decrement of demand. On the other hand, customers ascertaining low income might lead to demand increment. For instance, much of the prospects, or variables shift in terms of social factors within the case (Dimopoulos, 23). The supply curve in the airline franchise rather shifts, to attain an equilibrium within the ceteris paribus concept.
Airfares are based on the local itinerary fees. Over a decade, the passenger load factor depicted an increasing margin (Belobaba, 60). The commodity flow survey estimated a shipper survey of pipeline, truck and parcel sectors to be the highest in terms of value. Such preliminary actions will alter the demand and supply flow pattern.
Most of the instances were domestic itinerary fares. Since 1995, the passenger has accumulated to a certain range, causing a percentage change of about 2.35% overall on an annual review (Transportation Statistics). The annual ASM measured a quantitative return of demand shift since some resources such as petroleum, and aeronautic materials might end up supplied at a higher cost. The effect brought by the caricature depicts an essential curve in demand and supply. In return, flights purchased by passengers alternate due to change in preference. The itinerary fare accumulates a relevant revenue, but also substitute additional charges levied by other entities, mostly outside regions, during the time of purchase.
Belobaba, Peter. “Overview of airline economics, markets and demand.” The global airline industry (2009): 47-71.
Dimopoulos, Yannis, Loizos Michael, and Fani Athienitou. “Ceteris paribus preference elicitation with predictive guarantees.” Twenty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2009.
Transportation Statistics. “Commodity Flow Survey Overview.” Bureau of Transportation Statistics,