Fashion and Creativity

Fashion and Creativity

The quote by Young-ha Kim tries to assert that art does not exist for the sake of it. There are numerous instances that prompt it to come into play. This usually varies among individuals and generations. It is cross cultural and portrays a bigger agenda in a given culture. It is used to give meaning to things that cannot be described by words. It is also used as a symbol of belonging or any other message that is intended based on the art involved.

This quote relates to the role of creativity in dress/fashion.  The relation found between the two is that the creativity found in some fashion outlays is not just for the sake of it. There are certain instances that tend to trigger this kind of creativity. This might be an event that happened during a certain time or one that is being anticipated to happen. There can also be the need of showcasing when a certain occasion is taking place. In some cultures, there are some dresses that have been developed for the sake of mourning. The creativity behind these dresses acts as a symbol to other individuals that their counterpart is in a mourning period. One does not need to be told for them to realize this. The message sent through various codes of dressing is a vital aspect in analyzing the creativity part of it (Brunelli, 2008). It is through this that one will understand when one is dressed for office, party or anything else within the community’s context.

Creativity is a constant theme in many cultures. This is because the cultures tend to evolve with time. In the era of the global economy and technological advancements, there are increased interactions between individuals from different countries and cultural backgrounds. However, there is an aspect of creativity that does not seem to reduce. Dresses used by people of a certain origin during various occasions will always have the aspect of creativity in them. The trends might change, but there will remain a common ground on what is suitable for what occasion. The creativity facet will define everything without the need of trying to elaborate. For example, in most communities there is a specified wedding dressing code that is exercised by individuals involved. No matter the change of generations, the creativity aspect of the fashion code used still bears its original meaning. This setting is also evident during funerals where black clothes are used as a symbol of grief. This creativity aspect was initiated long time ago but has not lost its meaning despite the evolutions that have taken place in our society (Brunelli, 2008). These are constructive indications on how creativity remains to be a constant theme in our cultures. There are no signs of this aspect changing any time soon.

Another good example is the dressing code used by the Catholic Church during the Holy Eucharist celebration. Young boys and girls tend to wear white robes. The creativity part of this is that the robes represent how the early followers of Christ used to wear. Choosing white as the color is a symbol of peace and pureness. These are aspects that have ran down from generation to generation. This is an indication that creativity is a constant theme in cultures when fashion/dress comes into play.


Work Cited

Brunelli, Pier Pietro. Emotional trend: psyche > creativity > beauty to fashion. Milano, Italy: Up   to Date Fashion Academy, 2008. Print.

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