A statement of rights and responsibilities of families in special education
Special education is an integral part of the education enterprise. In any school system, special education should be considered as means of the enlarging capacity of the system to fulfill the educational needs of all the children. Children with special needs have equal rights to education just like any other kid. It is the obligation of both the parents and the educator to identify children with exceptionalities and provide a conducive environment. In essence, family members have a role in determining the children with special needs and ensure they have access to education. IDEA provides that parents and institutions should embrace assistive technology and accessible instructional materials to learners with disability.
Information on and a timeline of the ETR process
The educator must ensure that there is constant communication between the institution and parents to students with disabilities. Such communication will be instrumental in determining the basis for any disagreement with proposed or reduced actions addressed in prior written notice. The institution will make prior written notices to parents to help resolve disputes and complaints likely to emerge during the learning process. The prior written notice shall be given to parents of a child with a disability within a reasonable time (two weeks) to ensure that parents are updated on any emerging issue or student’s progress. The parent should expect a PWN when there is the need for evaluation, identification, placement or reevaluation.
Information on and a timeline of the IEP process
Individualized education program (IEP) is an important part of special education. This will be a written statement that describes the child’s current levels of performance, learning goals, school placement, and services. Before initiating IEP, the school will have to identify that the child seems to have educational difficulties. The institution will also accept a referral for assessment either from the parent or other concerned parties. A proposed assessment plan will also be put in place within 15 days and be submitted to parents. At this juncture, a PWN will be sent to parents seeking their approval for IEP program. With the parents’ approval, the institution will conduct the assessment. IEP meeting will be held within 60 days after the signing of the evaluation plan. This will be followed by the implementation of all the IEP components approved by the parents. This will be followed by regular IEP reviews to assess the progress of the program.
A description and timeline of IEP progress report
The institution will require that parents of a student with the disability be members of any group that makes decisions on educational placement of their child. This will help them participate in review and analysis of the IEP program. The progress of the IEP program will be assessed at least once per year. The institution may find it necessary to call a meeting if the student in question demonstrates the lack of anticipated progress towards an annual goal. Parents and teachers may also request meetings to develop, review or revise the IEP. Additional information on the program will also merit another review to ensure that the process gives the best.
Information on parents’ right ability to ask for related services
Every child has right to access education. Parents of students with a disability have a right to request for Individualized Education Program (IEP) or any related services. Parents should, however, make formal requests for such services through writing to the institution.
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