Ethical issues

Ethical issues

Project 1: Walmart case study

Question 1. Identification of ethical issues.

Walmart has suffered a decrease in sales, witnessed customer and employee dissatisfaction, as well as the closure of some branches in other countries (Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making & Cases, 12th Edition). Walmart identifies ethical issues through an elaborate inquiry into the widespread concern, either independent auditors, lawyers, and research team. The company also compare a problem at hand with the internal code of conduct and prefer making internally binding commitments rather than joining other collectively agreed conventions.

Question 2. Evidence.

With increased scandals and safety challenges, Walmart heavily invest in commitments to ensure the company stick to ethics and compliance standards. Second, the retail shop has adopted a zero-tolerance approach to suppliers and sub-contractors violating ethical rules (Banjo, 2012). Third, the giant grocery store exercises the right to terminate the contract with suppliers upon the discovery of an ethical violation. Fourth, Walmart requires suppliers to install safety measures in their factories, and engage independent agencies in electrical assessments to ensure the safety of workers. Fifth is the use of independent auditors in third-party operated warehouses to monitor adherence to the ethical standards of the company. Sixth is the use of stricter measures to improve compliance and commitment to ethical sourcing practices. Lastly, Walmart formed Global Ethics office in 2014 mandated to spread an ethical culture of the company.




Project 2.

Question 1.

According to (Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making & Cases, 12th Edition), ethical programs contain policies, codes, and values which acts as a guide for appropriate decision making while torn in between two directions to take.

Question 2.

The opportunity will either result into self- centered decision making, especially for the need to make a profit or climb up the ranks. For example, you are selling products to clients regardless of the risks associated with the products. This is intentionally done for self- gain (Loe, Ferrell & Mansfield, P. (2000).
Question 3.

The organization pays attention to legal requirement and ethical values provided in the company’s operation framework. This is an evaluation based on the YouTube video presented by Hediger (2015).
Question 4.

The organization adopts an integrative culture. Attention is paid to the performance of the company as well as individual concerns. The company trains the members who help in adapting to new environments, and the ability to make decisions while in a dilemma. Both the company and the employee benefit from the cultural orientation.


Banjo, S. (2012). Wal-Mart Cheer: In-the-gr-i-ty. The Wall Street Journal.

Hediger, T. (2015). The Importance of Developing an Effective Ethics Program. Retrieved January 26, 2019.

Loe, T. W., Ferrell, L., & Mansfield, P. (2000). A Review of Empirical Studies

Assessing Ethical Decision Making in Business. Journal of Business Ethics 25(3), 185–204.

(2019). Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making & Cases, 12th Edition. [National University]. Retrieved from

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