Erik Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Theory

Erik Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Theory

First stage: Trust vs Mistrust. The infant is not aware of the world they live, and so at this age, the girl could not understand anything in life. Second stage.Autonomy vs Shame. The child has the skills and the abilities to do, for instance, putting on clothes and so the girl grew up knowing and understanding the brutal effects of racism and the poverty she was going through. Third stage: Initiative vs Guilt. The child is more aggressive. The reason why the brother shotted the girl it could be that she was playing with the gun and the brother got angry with her(Young and Gerald, p 250). Stage four: Industry vs Inferiority: The child learns to read and write as well as doing things on his own, and so the girl could explain how her brother shot her left eye using the BB gun. Stage five: Identity vs Role Confusion. Here the person is more responsible, and she now starts looking at the future in terms of their careers and families. It is at this stage that the lady wrote the book concerning her life experience. Step six: Intimacy vs Isolation. At this stage, there is a lot of conflict concerning love.The lady was ready to start a family as well as sustaining it using the money she was getting. Stage seven: Generativity vs Stagnation. People aim at giving back to society. The lady became a political activist in the civil rights to fight for the rights of the people in the society .Stage eight: Ego Integrity vs. Despair.People here slow down in terms of productivity and also they retire from their working stations.She retired from working  as political activist the when  the time was over.

Work Cited

Young, Gerald. “Neo-models, Neo-stages, Networks.” Causality and Development. Springer, Cham, 2019. 241-269.