Effects of climate change on significant Islands in the United States

Effects of climate change on significant Islands in the United States


About an article by Broom (2016), climate change could lead to severe impacts on Acadia National Park proximity to the ocean. The speculations on the far-reaching effects have found their way into the Nature Center at Sieur de Monts Spring exhibitions. The concern influences the interest to assess the impacts of climate change on the economic activities in Mount Desert Island.

Effects of climate change on the economic activities in Mount Desert Island

Dick Broom asserts that ongoing climate change will alter the habitats of animals and plants. He further reiterates the research done by climate scientists pointing predicting the impacts on the shoreline, the atmosphere, and land. Regarding speculations by the scientists, crustaceans and shellfish will reduce due to increased carbon dioxide dissolved in the ocean making the water more acidic Broom (2016). The rising sea levels also could permanently cover Mount Desert Island’s marshes of salt thus would drive away visitors thronging the place for its nature.

The salt marshes support wildlife nurseries, habitat for plants and animals, control shoreline erosion, and filter pollutants from water. The intensification of the problems will significantly affect the economy of the island (Pernetta, 1992).

Since climate change influences the natural habitat and affects plants, animals and other living things, both flying, crawling and walking along the island (Taylor and Kumar (2016), these impacts would trickle down to human economic activities. Therefore the need to assess the effects of climate change on economic activities in Mount Desert Island.



To sum up, the research will focus on individuals living on Mount Desert Island. There will include the assessment of the current economic activities, the changing climate and the implications for the future.



Broom, D. (2016). Climate Change Looms. Mount Desert Islander. Available at https://www.mdislander.com/acadia-centennial-2/climate-change-looms.

Pernetta, J.C. (1992). Impacts of climate change and sea-level rise on small island states National and international responses. Science Direct. https://doi.org/10.1016/0959-3780(92)90033-4.

Taylor, S., and Kumar, L. (2016). Global Climate Change Impacts on Pacific Islands Terrestrial Biodiversity: A Review. Tropical Conservation Science. https://doi.org/10.1177/194008291600900111