Educational Research Reflection

Educational Research Reflection

Part 1


This research study discusses the importance of Formative Feedback Assessment in the learning institutions. The hypothesisof this education discussion assumes that the Formative Feedback Assessment by teachers in class ensures overall achievements among students in school. Generally, through a rational explication of the study outcome and results, students will greatly benefit from the study(Dixson& Worrell, 2016). This is because the Formative Feedback assessment has developed a comprehensive education system which aims at strengthening the learning process and the relationship between teachers and learners.

Similarly, the study dynamics helps in making a unified interpretation of the aspects of ethical innuendo that are present in the in the educational set up but give meaning to the formative feedback assessment among the learners and the academic advisors in their everyday lives.

Moreover, the research result portrays that the recent formative feedback study is much beneficial to the students that teachers.  This is because the Formative Feedback assessment has developed a comprehensive education system which aims at strengthening the learning process and relationship between teachers and learners

Part 2: Replies

Student 1

The student responded to the study question promptly. The objective of the course was to use the formative feedback to strengthen the relationship between teachers and students in the class. The hypothesis of this education discussion assumes that the Formative Feedback Assessment by teachers in class ensures overall achievements among students in school. The result of the study showed that any ethical misconduct might derail the whole education system(Dixson& Worrell, 2016). However, the intensity varies depending on the chosen participants who range from college students, teachers to the lower class in the education sector. The assessments of the formative feedback make the education system cohesive for a proper learning system.

However, I will add that the use of the discussion board adversely assisted in developing a concrete final educational research proposal. Most discussion and responses that were exhibited between students and education officials enhances the development of a comprehensive problem statement, research hypothesis, methodology to be used in data collection as well as the results of the study.

Student 2

The student responded to the research question adversely. The objective of the study indicates the use of Formative Feedback is pertinent in creating a strong relationship between learners and students. The hypothesis of this education discussion assumes that the research which was captured in the previous part one of the articles affirms that the Formative Feedback Assessment by teachers in class contributes to students’ achievement or failure in the course after school (Cotton, 2017). However, the research did not adequately address the result of the study. Therefore, I will add that the use of discussion boards strengthen the student’s responses and reactions with mid attention to the study dynamics.

Part 3: Journal

Every good beginning usually predicts a right end. The first week of the research study class was exceedingly pleasant.  Teachers and my classmates were very friendly and welcoming. Notably, the research study captured varied aspects, concerns, questions, ideas and fear which also address different parts of the education system.

However, it was the ideas that were being discussed and studied during the course that interested me most. For example, the Formative Feedback idea remains a significant factor for achieving specific education outcome (Cotton, 2017).The relationship that was created between learners and the teacher strengthen not only our academic prowess but also shaped our attitude towards future studies. The favorite part of the research study was the problem statement because it stated adequately the research question as well as evidence that is useful in tracking the education progress among learners.




Cotton, D. (2017). Teachers’ Use of Formative Assessment. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin83(3), 39–51.

Dixson, D. D., & Worrell, F. C. (2016).Formative and Summative Assessment in the Classroom. Theory Into Practice55(2), 153–159.

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