Driving Under Influence


Driving under influence has now become detrimental due to the negative implications that usually arise. It is important to examine this topic since reported cases are continuing to increase despite measures being taken to curb the menace. People have lost properties due to this vice while others have lost their lives. This is contributing to people being left as orphans, widows or widowers as a result of accidents that are caused by drunk driving (Jolly, 2011). Every stakeholder involved should take the responsibility of ensuring that this vice has been eradicated to help reduce the negative implications involved. Authorities have taken the initiative to enforce measures directed at curbing drunk driving, but there is a need of doing more for effectiveness to be actualized.

Effects of Driving Under Influence

Consumption of alcohol is an activity that tends to impair an individual’s brain. Mendralla & Grosshandler (2012) reiterate that as a result, driving under the influence will affect one’s tracking, reaction time, concentration, vision, coordination and comprehension just to mention a few. When a driver fails to function on these areas, there is a high probability of causing accidents. These accidents result in the death of people and damage of property depending on the severity. It is not only third parties that are affected by the accidents; the perpetrators can also be affected directly.

Measures Established to Curb Drinking and Driving

Alonso et al. (2015) assert that given the detrimental effects that come with driving under the influence, relevant authorities have taken the initiative of putting up measures to help curb the problem. There has been the establishment of sobriety checkpoints. These checkpoints help in detecting and arresting individuals driving under the influence before proceeding further with the possibility of causing accidents. Mass media campaigns have also been used to help educate drivers on the negative aspects involved drunk driving. License revocation has become a common measure too as it helps to send a warning to other drivers that might be intending to drive under the influence (Alonso et al., 2015). Ignition interlocks are also common as they help to tell the level of alcohol that a driver has consumed.

Establishing More Severe Measures

The measures being implemented at the moment do not seem to be effective. This is because, despite their implementation, cases of driving under the influence are still quite prevalent. The aspect creates the need of bringing in more severe measures that will help to reduce this menace. The harsh the penalties involved, the higher the probability of drivers detesting this act due to the fear of the consequences (Martineau & Tyner, 2013). Drunk driving results in significant losses and damages hence the need to introduce even more harsh penalties.

Summary and Conclusion

Authorities have taken the initiative to enforce measures directed at curbing drunk driving, but there is a need of doing more for effectiveness to be actualized. More measures need to be implemented to supplement the ones already existing. There is need for the additional measures being more severe to help deter people from this activity.

To conclude, driving under the influence is a topic that should be taken seriously as people’s lives are at stake when drivers are driving drunk. Every relevant stakeholder ought to be involved and additional strict measures ought to be implemented since the existing measures have not dealt with the problem at hand.


Alonso, F., Pastor, J., Montoro, L., & Esteban, C. (2015). Driving under the influence of alcohol:frequency, reasons, perceived risk and punishment. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, And Policy, 10(1), 11.

Jolly, D. (2011). The DUI Handbook: For the Accused, Volume 2. Outskirts Press, Incorporated.

Martineau, F., & Tyner, E. (2013). Population-level interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm:An overview of systematic reviews. Preventive Medicine, 57(4), 278-296.

Mendralla, V., & Grosshandler, J. (2012). Drinking and driving, now what?. New York: Rosen Pub.


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