DQ Responses

DQ #1 Response to Okasha Naqvi Pharm

You have done a good discussion. It is true that about 10 percent of patients frequently report a reaction to penicillin. Nevertheless, 90 percent of the patients may not indeed have an allergy as a result of cutaneous outbreaks which are the most reported. Previously, patients who have tested positive for an allergy due to penicillin are anticipated to have a drop of 10 percent over time. It is true that Anaphylaxis occurrence to penicillin range is 0.02 percent to 0.04 percent and it is facilitated by type one hypersensitivity sensitivity. IgE antibodies will reduce overtime. To be able to establish whether a patient has IgE promoted Penicillin reaction, legalized test in the United States is the penicillin skin test done by an allergist certified by the board. This test includes pricking of the skin, and it could be done where a wheel of about thirty-three millimeters and erythema grows in fifteen minutes. However, an acute IgE facilitated allergy treatment relies on its severity.

DQ 2 Response to Tina Samples Pharm

Your discussion is very informative. It is true that health experts and patients who may be asked regarding allergies frequently need to consider the patient’s history of antibiotics prescriptions. Doctors might also need to know the history of the family about the reaction to antibiotics as genetics could be a predisposition. The information details that would need to be evaluated include an indication, timing of the allergy start in connection to the initiated therapy, route medications, source of allergy history, signs and symptoms that have been experienced, reaction treatment and if the allergy needed hospitalization amongst others. Epinephrine needs to be prescribed immediately for an anaphylactic reaction in a situation where IV may not be available. It is important to note that epinephrine does not have any immediate response, therefore, giving significantsignificant amounts of crystalloids should be started with a vasopressor infusion. The secondary treatments are inclusive of corticosteroids and antihistamines to assist in the reduction of inflammations.

DQ #4 Response to Julie Knisely Health Assess

You have done a great discussion. I agree that the primary goal of the patient’s maintenance needs to be the determination of the risk of cardiovascular. It is also essential to obtain an in-depth history of their health to determine if there is a possibility of other risk indicators and factors for prevention and screening. Blood pressure and lipid screening are grades A considered recommendations in the United States.

Given that the father of the patient cause of death was a heart attack makes it vital to carry out an extensive assessment of cardiovascular risk on the patient. The other crucial recommendations for the patients may consist of alcohol misuse, tobacco use, obesity, and depression screening. Several other suggestions that the USPSTF made basing on the patient’s history were also valuable. These were inclusive of blood glucose screening and TB screening. The CDC identified that the most common causes for death for people in their middle ages included liver disease, heart disease, injury and suicide amongst others.

DQ # 4 Response to Veronica Dillon health Assess

I agree that the primary objective for visiting may be undertaking screenings for any medical concerns by giving high attention to the patient’s height, weight, and any other vital symptoms. Asking questions related to his occupational and social history to check the risk factors for developing patient illnesses is critical. The doctor may keenly determine the risk of him developing medical problems in the future. It will also be vital to the physician to encourage healthy living styles. Depression, tobacco and the risk of developing STD’s screening would also be necessary during the visit. Knowing the blood pressure of the patient would show whether they will need to have it monitored. Patients need to understand that they have more extensive control over their health than anyone else. According to several studies, the causes of mortality and morbidity include stroke, suicide, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and injuries. Diabetes, chronic respiratory and heart disease are the most causes of death for men.

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