Domestic Violence Assignment

Domestic Violence Assignment

Domestic violence refers to the violence that occurs between people who intimately involved in an internal setup, “my wife mentality”. Men possess women like any other property which makes it sound it is their right to abuse women. Domestic violence is always overlooked when it is psychological and not physical (Flood 13). However, it is important to realize that it can happen to anyone in society. In most instances, domestic violence occurs among people in an intimate relationship such as family members, married couples, and friend s working together (Flood 17). However, it can also include gender-related types of violence among people trying to gain power over others. The victims of domestic violence are always isolated from other members of the society who can support or help them hence encouraging the abuser to continue with their adverse actions of domestic violence.

Domestic violence can happen to every person in society. The imbalance of power also leads to domestic violence (Flood 22). The victims of home violence can be of any gender, age, race, ethnicity, income level and any level of education. Domestic violence usually originates from the abuser’s domestic background. It is important to know that this background can be as a result of being a victim of violence at childhood or might have been a witness of domestic violence (Flood 23). The frustrations and economic hardships also lead to instances of domestic violence. The effect of violence on the life of the victims depends on the type of abuse the person witnessed or experienced at a specific time in their lives. It can range from physical, sexual, psychological as well as economical (Flood 25). No relationship is free and safe from acts and dangers of violence as well as abuse based on ethnicity, religion, and race. It is essential for people to know that violence against other people can never be the best way to solve woes.  The attempts to justify acts of violence receives no support from any quarters of the society because no one deserves violence

Domestic violence can involve injuring someone (Flood 32). Remember the abuser is usually fearless in their actions. However, they must also consistently keep the abused under the chains of guilt, shame and fear so that no information leaks to any person outside the relationship (Flood 34). The abuse follows typically a unique pattern that is known as the cycle of violence. The sequence of violence refers to the events of violence in which the victim is subjected to non-stop abuse (Flood 36). The series of violence usually begins by the building of tensions that subsequently degenerate to violence and abuse. After the act of abuse, the making up face or the honeymoon phase sets in. The episodes of continued abuse occur in different forms and for an unspecified amount of time (Flood 37). The honey phase usually is characterized by numerous excuses and the justification of the acts of violence. However, what is more, exciting at the honeymoon phase is the ability of the abuser to express affection to the victim of abuse. For instance, the abuser can start blaming his acts on anger, drunkenness, but is also possible for the abuser to deny ever committing abuse.

The domestic violence starts with the threats of violence against the weaker side and later develops into verbal threats and abuse before the act of violence sets in. Some so many people think violence is physical (Krahé 7). However, it is important to realize that violence can range from physical abuse to psychological torture and emotional stress. The emotional violence is the worst because they lead to severe consequences in the lives of the victims. For instance, the abused may lose a sense of worth and freedom (Krahé 7). However, the abuser can become anxious, lonely and depressed due to discomfort. This type of abuse is most common in married couples during periods of separation. The abuser can potentially be suffering from some types of mental illnesses that contribute to mental dissatisfaction of the abused (Krahé 8). The abuser usually is rarely aggressive towards other people from the outside relationship. Even if the abuser is suffering from any form of mental illness, it is always difficult to justify mental illness as the leading cause of domestic violence.

Institutionalized patriarchy can also lead to violence (Krahé 8).  And in this case, the abuser takes advantage of the existing norms in the society to propagate their acts of violence against the opposite gender mostly over women (Krahé 10). For instance, the perception that a female partner must be submissive according to the dictates of traditional gender roles makes it possible for the male counterparts to control and power them to the extent that it could result to domestic violence (Krahé 7). However, psychological abuse refers typically to the intimidation of a person to cause emotional trauma. Domestic violence whether it is physical still results in emotional stress among the abused. Violence, therefore, can include stalking someone, isolating the victim from other people in the society, denying the victims access to basic needs, bullying, destroying someone’s property, humiliation, and verbal threats

Preventing domestic violence

Acts of violence are deeply ingrained in society through patriarchy societal norms, “my wife mentality” (Jejeebhoy & Santhya 93). Therefore, stringent measures need to be put in place to eliminate the vice from society. For instance, there is a need for zero tolerance against violence against women in society (Jejeebhoy & Santhya 94). It is essential to put violent men to account for their actions against women. Men must also understand that violence against women is a choice. Men that show sudden loss of temper to abuse women must begin to realize that violence is a personal choice. They must learn to understand not to intimidate women. However, if they suspect their behaviors are abnormal, then they need to seek the services of counselors before they get apprehended by law (Jejeebhoy & Santhya 98). Women must also make a personal decision on whether to live in abusive relationships or quit. Women should learn to report abusive men to the authorities. It is vital to shame abusive men by reporting them to the authorities so that they can account for their violent behaviors against women.

The government must also begin to establish a national framework and action plan such as creating public awareness against violence against any gender (Jejeebhoy & Santhya 99). The government needs to enact policies that effectively deal with acts of violence perpetrated against any gender in society (Jejeebhoy & Santhya 100). The court should also restrain aggressors from jointly living in the same house. The court should give orders that promote safety to the abused in society.  However, the most important thing is to create awareness on the need to shun domestic violence. Education is the best way to change the mindset of people in society.





Work cited

Flood, Michael. “The Problem: Men’s Violence Against Women.” Engaging Men and Boys in Violence Prevention. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2019. 11-38.

Krahé, Barbara. “Violence against women.” Current opinion in psychology 19 (2018): 6-10.

Jejeebhoy, Shireen J., and K. G. Santhya. “Preventing violence against women and girls in Bihar: challenges for implementation and evaluation.” Reproductive health matters26.52 (2018): 92-108.