According to the World Health Organization (WHO), violence is an aggressive act that produces physical or psychological harm. It may also inflict sexual damage, deprivation of liberty and also threats that rob the victim the freedom to live life as desired. It is the use of physical force against another person or even a group with the likelihood of injury, harm or even death. Domestic violence bears many faces in different settings such as culture and race. To better understand domestic violence, it is crucial to know the relations of power and how different cultures assign different roles for each sex. This paper seeks to study the effect of domestic violence in a woman’s being, her world, her physical expression, and her health. The reason why it is a good research topic is that it seeks to illuminate the practice, condemn it and suggest ways to curb it.
Browne, S. (2016). Violence against women. The women’s liberation movement in Scotland. Manchester University Press.
This article talks about theoretical and practical ways to address the problem.
Herrero, J., Torres, A., Rodríguez, F. J., & Juarros-Basterretxea, J. (2017). Intimate partner violence against women in the European Union: The influence of male partners’ traditional gender roles and general abuse. Psychology of Violence, 7(3), 385.
The study gives support for the views and suggestions that intervention efforts that focus on both gender-based and non–gender-based violence are essential strategies for reducing IPV rates against women.
Goodman, L. A., Koss, M. P., & Russo, N. F. (2013). Violence against women: Physical and mental health effects. Part I: Research findings. Applied and preventive psychology, 2(2), 79-89.
This journal explores the effects of violence on the health of the victims.
Browne, A. (2014). Violence against women by male partners: Prevalence, outcomes, and policy implications. American psychologist, 48(10), 1077.
This article looks into the empirical literature on sexual and physical violence by male partners and provides potential outcomes while focusing on how women respond to trauma. The report also discusses treatment interventions and policies.
FAMILY VIOLENCE AND HOMELESSNESS: The Relevance of Trauma Histories in the Lives of Homeless Women.
The article reveals the rates of childhood and sexual abuse of homeless women. It also discusses the research implications and service provision.
Violence against Women: The Missing Agenda.
The journal article explores different cultures and reveals how women are treated as child bearers and not humans with the need to be protected.
Intimate partner violence against women and the Nordic paradox
The article explores gender violence in the Nordic countries.
The articles provide an insight into the magnitude of the problem in ways that opens new ideas a front to which one can see the problem. The reports go more in-depth and provide solutions that would significantly impact the study.
One of the hypotheses is that the rates of domestic violence decrease with age and secondly is that younger men tend to carry out domestic violence. According to the articles, the age bracket of the women who experience violence is between 23 to 45 years but declines as the years advance (Browne, 2014).
The standard for the protection of human subject which can pose difficulty is maintaining of privacy and dignity of the victims. Therefore, the victims need assurance that their privacy is respected.
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