W4 Face Off I think that the media was not fair at all in reporting this incidence. After seeing the video and reading the posts, the memorial was in the heat of events from different protests, each advocating for their rights. Mr. Sandmann stood there trying to ease up the situation and not try to make a huge fuss about what Mr. Phiillips was doing in the protest. According to my observation, the media was unfair to Mr. Sandmann. First of all, the media picked out his “protest” from his attire, especially his hat which has the common phrase of the United States President slogan of “Make America Great Again.” The hat, as many symbolize it, is a manifestation of Donald Trump’s comments on different ethnic and racial groups in America. The media acknowledged the fact that Mr. Sandmann’s motionless and calm represents an authoritative race or even a dominant race to Mr. Phillips. Statements such as “The incident, and the finger-pointing that followed, seemed to capture the worst of America at a moment of extreme political polarization, as discourse once again gave way to division, and people drew conclusions on social media before all the facts were known (Michael E. Miller,paragraph 10)” clearly show that the media was playing the most significant role in making the incidence appear to become a race drift, but a thorough analysis of the video clearly shows no intent of starting a race war.
In conclusion, the media should always be an integral medium for advocating the appropriate information. The incidence in the video and the reports from the media platforms only made the situation worse for Mr. Sandmann who later became a subject of public torment and also being sent death threats to both him and his family. The media should always factor in the psychological effect it would bring to the affected individuals.
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