Discussion on Religion

Discussion on Religion

Religions are not merely ideas, beliefs, set of doctrines and deities about the supernatural; they are more than being close to God. Individuals might think that religion is a feeling of closeness to God, but it is more about aesthetics, rituals, practices and ethics (Curtis, 2008). For instance, in the case of Buddhist, practicing Buddhism was never merely a set of doctrine but has always involved complex social phenomenon and economic, philosophical and political activities. Similarly, with Muslims, their religious life and spirituality offer a diverse picture to the extent that we could not limit it to the five pillars of Islam.

Religion is enclosed in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism and Buddhism. With Christianity, religion is a gospel that talks about teachings and life of Jesus (Curtis, 2008). Islam entails Abrahamic and monotheistic religion, and they believe that Muhammad is their last prophet. Judaism is a religion that describes a set of ideas about the world and the way people should live. Buddhism entails spiritual traditions that emphasize on the spiritual development of a person. With Hinduism, the religion values soul and God. Hindus believe that their God is within and around them.

In this world, religions are considered living entities that are in a constant state of transformation or regeneration. Besides, they have similarity to trees that spread to the environment to get support, hold to their roots, expand and contract based on exigencies (Ritzer, 2014). Religions as living organisms mean that they reach to the society through generation with the hope of finding moral nourishment and guidance for a better way of living. Religions play a critical role in making us understand our experiences, locate our history and guide our behaviors (Ritzer, 2014). Similarly, religion transforms us towards living a right life and becoming wholesome.



Curtis, E. E. (2008). The Columbia sourcebook of Muslims in the United States. New York: Columbia University Press.

Ritzer, G. F. (2014). Essentials of Sociology. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc.

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