The first scenario exhibits disability/ability microaggression. Matt considers Anh to be very quiet. Besides, she is unable to present herself more verbally. Matt wants her to speak up more so that they could understand what she knows. The second scenario shows racial and gender microaggression. Alejandro is a Latino teacher who feels lonely because of her race. Also, by being a woman, she is going through many challenges.
In the first scenario, when Matt said “Why are you so quiet? We want to know what you think. Be more verbal!” the message presented was that an individual with a disability is always lesser in aspects such physical, mental and social functioning. Conversely, with the second scenario, when Alejandro said that “But now, I feel so lonely and, like, most of the others really don’t want anything to do with me,” the message she presented was that she was a foreigner and a lesser being. Also, when Ann said that “And you know, as a woman, I know exactly what you go through, being a racial minority,” she meant that women belonging to the minority group are often overlooked and disrespected in society or organizations.
In the first scenario, Matt had power over Anh. Anh was marginalized because she felt like she had little to offer. Her inability to speak up more was perceived negatively by Matt. In the second scenario, Ann had power over Alejandro. Alejandro felt marginalized because she was a Latino. She felt lonely since no one wanted to associate with her.
If I were a target of racial microaggression, I would feel bitter because people would be considering me as a lesser individual in society. I would fear for my job because I am a foreigner and it would be difficult to succeed in an organization that people think you are incompetent.
With knowledge of microaggression, I would be able to interact with children and family by exhibiting equality. A person’s interaction with another should portray same rights and conditions. I will try to overcome bias in my interaction with children and family by encouraging equal status relationships.
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