Direct Relief is a humanitarian organization that is operational in all 50 states of the United States of America, and in 80 other countries. The organization aims at improving the lives of people affected by emergencies and poverty all over the world regardless of political, religious or economic conditions of the affected people. Direct Relief has been credited for being transparent about its operations the generosity of its donors by following a firm policy of full transparency in all of its operations and how they spend the funds donated to them. Their major programs include Community Health, disaster response, and disease prevention and treatment. Giving to this organization will not only help you reach out to affected people all around the world but also have the chance to witness where and how the funds you donated have been utilized.
It was founded in the year 1948 by refugee war immigrants to the U.S., and its programs are focused on the conditions and the needs of the most endangered populations. It is the first charitable non-profit organization to be classified as a Verified-Accredited Wholesale Distributor by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP). It is one of the largest medical suppliers to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, West Africa following the Ebola outbreak, the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan, and Haiti in response to the 2010 earthquake.
Direct Relief follows several guiding principles which are as listed below:
Serving people and improving their health ensures that services reach people who live in high-need areas are and are bound to fragile health systems and need help. Mozambique, for example, was recently struck by Cyclone Idai, the deadliest storm in Africa, and Direct Relief stepped in to provide medical aid shipments, which include vaccines to protect against tetanus, and track the health risks to the people. The second guiding principle which is Lift from the Bottom, Pull from the Top simply means that the organization works with the biggest companies in the world, the best institutions and great minds towards helping the least deserved populations in the U.S. and abroad in order to improve the living standards of the people affected by poverty or emergencies. Building upon what exists means the organization goes to the affected areas and identifies the already existing healthcare providers. It then qualifies and gives support to the providers by equipping them with other resources such as more personnel, medical aids, and financial support. The other principle is removing barriers, and this works through having transparent, cost-effective and reliable ways to allow communities with low medical support to access necessary medical resources such as medical equipment, medicines, and supplies. The fifth principle is playing to strengths, and its main aim is working with a bigger network of partners engaging in related causes to finance the resources needed. The other guideline principles are; ensure value for money, be a good partner and advocate, respond fast while looking ahead, do not discriminate and aim high.
Their major programs include Community Health, disaster response, and disease prevention and treatment. Access to excellent health services is an essential thing for the communities as sick people cannot work and are prone to poverty. Direct relief works extra hard when it comes to matters concerning the health of the people. The key thing is always to provide women with all the necessary health services to protect them from the unfavorable times of pregnancy and childbirth. The organization is there to support all 50 U.S. states and other countries with facilities used to provide essential health services. The organization also focuses on disease prevention where communities are treated and provided with vaccines before the signs and symptoms of the disease occur or shortly after it has occurred and this helps communities in curing diseases such as polio and malaria. Disasters are so unpredictable, and whenever they occur, the functioning of a society is severely disrupted and needs an organization like Direct Relief to intervene. Direct relief’s responses to disasters are fast and in immediate response to specific requests from local partners and they merge with other organizations and governmental authorities so that they can make sure that there is a systematic use of resources.
Direct Relief has made a range of products that are used when addressing the needs of the affected communities whenever there are disaster strikes. One of them is the midwife kit, endorsed by International Confederation of Midwives(ICM), is a kit that contains 59 essential items a midwife needs to perform 50 facility-based deliveries. Another one is the fistula repair module which is a standardized pack of high-quality medicines and surgical supplies used in fistula repair surgery and post-operative care. The others are prenatal vitamins, emergency medical packs, cholera treatment kits, oral rehydration salts, and hurricane prep map.
Direct Relief has been doing a commendable job and has earned a four-star rating from Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity evaluator. Forbes also considered Direct Relief as the seventh largest U.S. charity in 2018.
Direct relief has earned its ratings through the work the organization has been doing. Disaster response is one of its various actions. An example is during the two weeks after Hurricane Florence struck the Carolinas in September, Direct Relief came in and provided medicine and medical supplies to the affected areas. It was also the first organization to rush in and provide medicine during the Puerto Rico Post-Maria. In 2018, Direct Relief also shipped drug naloxone so that it could be used to revive people who had overdosed on opioid medications. The organization also aided local healthcare providers in different parts of the world who had suffered slow-burn humanitarian disasters.
Direct Relief organization has shown a great experience in how they can deliver resources fast and directly to high-need areas and has played an essential role in supporting communities. The public health has improved in the regions that the organization has covered. With the help of its partners, Direct Relief targets high-priority needs to assist in developing local health services, rebuilding essential infrastructure and ensure adequate emergency medical transport. Donating to this organization will not only help you reach out to affected people all around the world but also have the chance to witness where and how the funds you donated have been utilized. With its act of generosity, the charity organization in the coming years will continue improving or saving lives in more and more countries globally. Direct Relief Charitable organization proves to be the best and an excellent organization to partner and work with.
Work Cited
Reiling, Herman T. “Federal Taxation: What Is a Charitable Organization?.” American Bar Association Journal (1958): 525-598.
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Bennett, Roger, and Helen Gabriel. “Image building for charitable organizations.” Social Marketing Quarterly 6.3 (2000): 77-80.