Exploratory and confirmatory analysis are intertwined; that is each depends on the other. For instance, a detective whose aim is to solve any case successfully collects all sorts of data for evidence and then searches for clues together with the patterns. After that, he or she compares his or her testimony with those of individuals then deciding on what supports his or her hypothesis and trend. Having the said knowledge, she then decides on what to do after that by using his or her experience. The decision depends on the picture and what can happen in the final stages of the case. In this scenario, detective’s work is an exploratory while the latter how the work should stick (Kimmelman et al., 2014). The above description uses both exploratory and confirmatory analysis. In this regard, this paper describes the differences between the two types of analysis as mentioned above.
First, confirmatory analysis involves an evaluation of one’s proof by employing traditional arithmetical tools, for example, self-confidence and inference to mention a few. On the other side, an exploratory analysis is a process which entails analyzation of the data that is framing and re-establishing the questions to be asked and presenting them in the best way possible (Kimmelman et al., 2014). Besides, in the case of confirmatory, the hypothesis of the work is tested whereas in exploratory encompasses establishing of data structure, identification of mistakes together with the missing data for a specific task (Kimmelman et al., 2014). Finally, exploratory data analysis is used in explaining different types of data containing very few predictor variables if they are present while confirmatory data analysis is used in subjecting one’s squabbles and discoveries to a test (Kimmelman et al., 2014). In summary, the two types of data analysis are significant and should be embraced in every field when it comes to the analyzation of data.
Kimmelman, J., Mogil, J. S., & Dirnagl, U. (2014). Distinguishing between exploratory and confirmatory preclinical research will improve the translation. PLoS biology, 12(5), e1001863.
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