Developing Workplace Effectiveness

Developing Workplace Effectiveness

Literature Review

Daft (2012) asserts that principals of organizational behavior can be used to describe how groups and individuals behave and affect the performance of the workplace. Some desirable work-related attitudes include organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Attitudes possessed at the workplace can strongly influence performance, employee motivation and productivity. Major components of attitudes include emotions, cognition and behavior (Dattner, 2012). Attitude affects individuals’ perceptions in different ways. Some perpetual distortions such as projection, the halo effect and stereotyping are usually errors in judgment.  Personality comes in as another area of interest since it entails a set of characteristics that underlies a pattern of behavior. According to Daft, (2012) the Big Five traits of personality are agreeableness, emotional stability, openness, conscientiousness and extroversion.

Sputtek (2012) says that profiling top executives to figure out when positive self concept has negative or positive effects for decision making seems relevant. It helps in building structures that can help in differentiating factors emanating from executives’ personalities. This means that a construct incorporating a wide range of personality is preferred compared to those bearing single aspects. The criterion created is enabling construction of core self evaluation. The effects of interaction among traits possessed by different individuals are good. This is because people’s personalities are composite hence; isolating a trait will only explain an individual’s behavior partially. Among these mechanisms is emotion. Emotions can be classified into trait emotions and state emotions. Trait emotions are inherent with an individual’s personality while state emotions are triggered by current situations (Sputtek, 2012). Both of these forms of emotion affect individuals in the execution of duties at the workplace. The level of the effects will depend on the individual involved. They trigger employee to work effectively or poorly depending on the stimuli behind them. Decision making attributes are more affected by this stance. Anger has been pointed out as the most detrimental emotion while making decisions that relate to the organization activities (Griffin & Moorehead, 2012).

Nelson & Quick (2013) postulates that consumers feel exceptionally well when they are served by people that genuinely understand what they want.  Effective communication between employees and consumers is hindered by various attributes possessed by the two parties. These attributes are personality, emotion and behavior. The engagement process between the parties determines to a high scale whether a consumer will establish loyalty towards the organization at hand. For this reason, employees should be extremely cautious on how they display these attributes at all times.  It is believed that most consumers are thought and emotion driven. Anything that is against what they believe in acts as a huge turn off. They are also reaction and opinion driven (Griffin, 2012). Employees should be able to accommodate this so as to retain them for long-term benefits. At this point aspects of managing diversity are viewed to be important.

Furnham (2012) says that personality and behavior have been major impediments to managing diversity at the workplace. This is because how one person views something is quite different how others view it.  It is attributed by the fact that people perceive these things differently. All the employees want their personalities to prevail upon their colleagues. None is willing to come to terms with the other. It is like there is a form of competition on whose personality is more dominant. Failure to set some standards at the work place might be detrimental based on such aspects (Yong, 2011). Working in partnership would be close to impossible hence denying the organization an opportunity to realize its optimal operations.

My Effectiveness at Work

Based on how I have performed at the work place that I have been recently, I think I am effective. Several aspects can be used in analyzing my effectiveness at the workplace. Among the aspects that can be used to assess my effectiveness is scrutiny to my personality. To begin with, I adore collaboration when executing a group task. Working in partnership bears immense significance to me since I understand its importance in any team. It allows execution of projects that would not have been done by a single individual. This is a personality that I have exhibited since my childhood. I embraced it even when tackling the childhood endeavors. This went on through my schooling period. On most occasions, I used to take the responsibility of a group leader whenever we were subjected to a group task. Taking this role enabled me bring people together and work as a unit. I have applied this trait in the workplace that I have been, and obtained positive results.

Another aspect of my personality is that I am dynamic. It is in me that I can execute different tasks always. This is because I have the ability of adjusting my mind and fitting to the environment subjected to me. The ability of being open minded came to my notice during my time at my previous workstation. I would be moved from one point to another and adjusted extremely well. Consistency is also another personality that I have possessed for a long time. My grades at school can reflect this coupled with the compliments of the previous manager that I worked with.

My effectiveness can also be measured using my emotional competencies. At my workplace, I was under a lot of pressure since the production was on real time. This was done under maximum supervision. All this time I did not show any sign of reluctance or laxity. The ability to hold pressure might prompt the ability to work under any environment and employer. However, I get a little emotional when I see people taking others for granted. This happened severally on my previous workplace since our supervisor was very offensive. He used to condemn employees that he never liked and that aspect pissed me off. It is really demoralizing since these employees are trying to give their best. This might be a negative aspect since it shows that I have some elements of anger.

The behaviors that I possess are also a good indication of the effectiveness. For instance, I am truly honest in whatever that I get involved with. Once I dislike something, I just put it across without minding what others will think of me. If it is a mistake that I have committed, am always ready to own up. Another thing is that I am acutely responsible. This is something that lived with for a while now. When people have trust in me to execute something, I do not like to disappoint. I usually take full charge until the task is completed. I also look forward to challenges. After completing a certain task, my desire to execute another task arises. This is based on the benefits that I derive from the tasks undertaken. There is a lot of learning when dealing with a certain challenge. Various aspects learnt from the challenge can be used in other areas and bring positive results.

I would also subject myself to different challenges so as to assess how I would cope. These challenges must be tasks which are repetitive.  This would be a good opportunity of improving my consistency levels. The results derived from one task must be similar to other tasks of a similar nature. Once this is embraced, it will continue to be part of me and will always come automatically.

Strategies to Improve my Workplace Effectiveness

There are various strategies that I would develop to help improve my workplace effectiveness. Among them is advocating for Strategic Human Resource Management in the next workplace that I would be operating. This strategy brings about the engagement of all employees and supervisors operating in the organization. To many employees, it comes with a sense of belonging since their contributions are being taken into consideration. With such an environment working in partnership becomes possible. This would help improve my effectiveness since collaboration is my personality. In search a workplace environment, I will produce magnificent results.

Based on my emotions when I see other people being treated inappropriately, I would want to change. This is because being angry over something will never solve it. It only makes things worse due to the perceptions and grieve that one takes in. One might end up doing things that they would regret later. To overcome this, I have to attend some anger management classes. The tutorials from these classes would be helpful to me and better for my career. This way I would find a new way of dealing with things that seem to aggravate my emotions. It would be easier to deal with many people in the workplace including the management.

Another strategy would be setting my career goals. Every aspect should be displayed for everybody to see. I would help people understand that their activities are getting on my way of achieving my goals. This occurrence improves the morale of the workplace. People would want to emulate me since everyone has his or her targets in life. As a result, the working environment would be efficient for everyone. For me, I would get more focused since I have objectives that need to be fulfilled.

However, I would work on improving on how I deal with my honesty. Being honest is good, but it will usually come with a price. At times, I tend to annoy some people with my honesty. Sometimes it is good not to point out at something very openly. One way will be by maintaining calm once faced by such a scenario. Talking out with people and first understanding what attributed to their behaviors would be the first step (Furnham, 2012). Prolonged pursuance of this behavior might prompt employees to detest me in the organization. It would affect my performance at the workplace due to the sense of seclusion from other employees.




Daft, R. L. (2012). Understanding management (7th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage   Learning.

Dattner, B. (2012). Birth Order and Personality in the Workplace. 7(11), 23.

Furnham, A. (2012). Personality and intelligence at work: exploring and explaining individual      differences at work. London: Routledge.

Griffin, R. W. (2012). Fundamentals of management (6th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western          Cengage Learning.

Griffin, R. W., & Moorehead, G. (2012). Organizational behavior: managing people and   organizations (10th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western/Cengage Learning.

Nelson, D. L., & Quick, J. C. (2013). Organizational behavior: science, the real world, and you     (8th ed.). Mason, Ohio: South-Western ;.

Sputtek, R. (2012). Opening the black box the role of personality and anger in executives’             decision making and leadership. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Yong, L. (2011). Emotional Exellence in the Workplace. Journal of Personality Profiling, 3(2),      10.

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