He is among one of the United States of America’s founding fathers. More so, he was a polymath. More so, he was a man of many things because he was an author, politician, diplomat, and activist. Franklin lived in Philadelphia and died in 1790. This person is specially essential for drafting the constitution of the united states. More so, he took part in the drafting of the declaration of the independence declaration. He is known as a superhero and a legend.
The bill of rights incorporates all fundamental freedoms. More so, the Bill of Rights is well integrated in the convention on human rights. There are the necessary provisions of the bill of rights that gives individuals living in the US some fundamental freedoms as stated in each article. The basic rights such as the right to life, food, shelter, security, and education are all specified out here. The constitution of the US has adopted the bill of rights as a fundamental law that must be adhered. The United Nations is the organization that has come up with the bill of rights to secure fundamental human freedoms.
Locke was a philosopher who lived between 1632 to 1902 and is considered to have been one of the most influential individuals who engineered liberalism. Although he was an Englishman, he played a crucial role in the political history of the united states. Apart from being a physician, he was also a philosopher. Political philosophy is much shaped by his work, and also, he substantially influenced the American revolutionaries by his line of thinking and epistemology. The social contract theory funded the political ideology of Locke. Reason and tolerance are the two features that Locke believed constituted human nature. Liberty, life, and health were what he felt were entitlements to everyone in a natural state and therefore they could only be achieved in independence. They led to the declaration of independence in the united states of America. His school of thoughts, especially on liberty, also played a significant part in the drafting of the US constitution.
The industrial revolution brought a lot of radical changes in the united states. This is because the revolution was some shift that took the country from manual labor industry to a machine based manufacturing and production. The move from agrarian to industrial revolution increased production, steering the economic growth of the US. Samuel Slater is known as the engineer of the industrial revolution that was marked in the US starting in 1790s and 1800. The technological change took place, and the classical economists played a significant part in this by putting in their thoughts and ideas that transformed trade and industry.
This happened during the 1700s from 1756 to 1763. Which was the last conflict which preceded the French revolution. All the powerful nations in Europe took part. Prussia and Hanover were rising against Britain. They were supported by France, Russia, Saxony, Sweden, and Austria. Austria sparked the war by their intention to get back Silesia, which is a rich province. It took seven years with Britain and France struggling against each other. Britain’s interest in the war was majorly to align with Prussia in a bid to protect Hanover which was a possession of Britain’s monarch. The continental Hanover was being threatened by French siege because French wanted to take over and control the region.
The Republican party is also known as the Grand Old Party and forms one of the two main political parties that exist in the united states of America to this date. This party was established in 1954 from the political philosophy thought of liberalism. More so, the party’s two main agendas were fighting slavery and spurring economic growth of the united states. Theodore Roosevelt was the candidate who was rejected by the part and initiated the process of the formation of the democratic party because he found the ideas of the republicans too conservative. The Republican party has a history in the US for producing the first president of the united states and continues to create others. Today, it is still the ruling party with the president Donald Trump being a Republican.
This act gave the slaveholders the right to recover a slave who has just escaped. The slave masters were empowered the more by this act, getting the right even to own the children that are born to fugitive slaves. This act indicated that the slaves and all that they have to belong to their slave masters.
A particular slave by the name Gabriel from Virginia who was an artisan who rebelled against oppression by seeking to have life and liberty which he said were inalienable. He was such a skilled artisan that his services were needed in many places, and so enjoyed the freedom of traveling in many areas and increased mobility when compared to plantation slaves. He was one of the urban people whose actions contributed to the American revolution. Nonetheless, because Gabriel was a mere slave and an African American, he did not enjoy the benefits of the revolution. However, his vision was taken up by Republicans who helped lead a slave revolt that eventually brought slavery to an end. The slogan of the slaves was death or liberty.
These were young female workers who worked in industries in Massachusetts at the time of the industrial revolution. They were between the ages of 15 and 35 years old. The requirements of the production were higher than, and so the human speed was a bit slow. This meant that the young women had to be forced to work faster than their abilities allowed them. As a result, the women joined the American movement labor movement to protest this. They held protests and strikes which formed the first union of the working class women. The Voice of Industry was a newspaper that the women adopted to champion their rights as workers, painting an optimistic picture of their life and working condition of the workers.
It was a riot that happened in Boston in the year 1770. American colonists quarreled with a British soldier, and it quickly turned into a bloody affair where many were slaughtered. The dispute brought out an anti-British sentiment that opened the way for the start of the American revolution. The British rule was brought to an end after the Boston Massacre because everybody American revolution followed which brought to an end the heavy taxation and extortion, paving the way for independence.