Definition Essay on Success


All of us struggle every day to ensure that we are successful in life. However, the term success has varied definitions across the population. Some people can define success as having a lot of money, driving the latest cars, living in palatial houses and wearing top fashions. From this point of view, the pursuit of success will lead to living a selfish life where quest of money and fame is defined as success. It is, however, essential understanding that success is a broader concept that is beyond the earthly material goods that individuals are pursuing every day. Although money is an important part of a successful life, it worth noting that it’s not guarantees to well-balanced and successful life. In essence, it is almost impossible to be successful in every aspect of life.

On this note, one must understand that it is possible to be successful in one part of life and be a total failure in other fields. Bearing this in mind, it is imperative to concentrate on one’s strengths while looking for success. People should avoid wasting energy and resources in areas where the degree of achievement is not desirable.   Success is critical in essential aspects of life such as family, business, community, friends and material things. Success and happiness are inseparable, and it is imperative for individuals to look for a balancing formula for the above concepts. Nevertheless, it is prudent to note that different persons have different views on these areas, and they vary in terms of importance. Though it is wise to set priorities, it is also equally important to ensure that all the areas are adequately covered.

Success means a well balanced happy life. Although capitalizing on one’s strengths is essential in success route, it is also important to strive in other areas for well-balanced life. For example, attempting to be successful in business one may end up being a workaholic this neglecting friends and families. In the long run, the health and overall wellbeing will be dealt an enormous blow thus making it difficult being successful. Different components in life define success, and all of them must be in harmony.

Although a lot of money and material goods can be a source of happiness, it is wise noting that they are not guaranteed to happiness. Health is another important measure of success. An unhealthy condition in a family regardless the amount of wealth in that household can be a source of distress in the family. Doctors and hospitals are essential aspects of making people successful. Loving family and education are also important aspects that measure success.

In conclusion, success means following one’s dreams and desires that bring about happiness. Real success will be determined by the level of confidence and ability to follow one’s dream. Nevertheless, it is important noting that success is made up of several components such as family, friends, business and community just to mention a few. Though it is almost impossible to be successful in every aspect of life, it is prudent that one defines a balancing formula that will ensure important areas of success are adequately covered.


Work cited

FitzPatrick, Bill. “Action Principles.” American Success Institute. 12 Dec 2006

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