Decision Making in Organizational Conflict

Decision Making in Organizational Conflict

(A) Describe the process that you would go through to make your decision. 

                     Summarize critical facts of your decision-making process

Following my role within the insurance company, I have to ensure that I undertake my responsibility as a supervisor to ensure that the firm’s objective is achieved. The achievement of the firm’s aim as a going concern can only be met if the organization cuts losses on payouts claim. On a positive note, my supervisory role should ensure that every member of my department can coordinate and work in unison in a bid to achieve the targets of the department. Likewise, because each department earns bonuses due to low payout. My responsibility as a supervisor also requires that this compensation continues acting as a motivation is achieved.

Shelly’s six-month experience the department is considered much but does not warrant his undermining of my position his supervisor. According to my analysis, it is essential to separate between appropriate as well as inappropriate behavior among employees. This separation will bring a clear emphasis on the priorities of the organization to enable its department to attain the best results. In a scenario where Shelly’s decision as a team member is not being considered. The best solution is to allow her to add her voice to my operational decision making. In this perspective, it will be easier for her to evaluate her position as a team member in the department. This inclusivity should enable not mean that employees are not going to have conflicts without hindrance to achieving a departmental goal.

It is better to clear things out between me in supervisory role and Shelly. This need to clarify things out will enable her to understand my position as a supervisor is not by mere coincidence but through merit. This means if she were the one responsible for the team her authority would be paramount regardless of any disagreement that had taken place between them whatsoever. On this emphasis, it should be clear to Sherry the organization must achieve its goal as well as its department, but this can only work when there is teamwork. On the other hand, Tom my colleague and friend should take responsibility for his action as an employee of the Insurance company. After his 90-day probation within the company, Tom seems to be making consistent mistakes on various occasions that are resulting in high payouts that are hurting the firm. My decision as a supervisor regarding Tom’s case will be based on a performance contract as this will be beneficial in enabling a change in his decision-making process.

Due to several mistakes made on various occasions the company has been forced to make payouts that were not necessary. Shelly and two of her allies who on different occasion have been seen to be outrightly challenge my authority has to take notice that the organization policies must be the guidance towards organization decision-making process. The three members must, therefore, understand that the department is a team and thus not compete against each other but work in unison to help out their colleagues in handling respective duties. Thus, acknowledgment of ideas that need to be incorporated in the decision-making process is welcomed as long as it leads to the departmental goals.


(B) What are the motivational and emotional influences on you as you make your decision?

This case presents an emotional aspect of a friendship between Tom and I, trying to maintain my responsibility as a supervisor. Ethics proposes that the predominant view of emotions to be secondary to reason is entirely backward. The integral sentiment is beneficial as well as bias in the guidance of the decision-making process. This theory demonstrates that there is no need to assume the absence of emotion by slaving the passions through pretense other than to serve them. Compelling scientific evidence of this view base on the essence of emotion and cognition as an integral part of the brain resulting in critical decision making among emotionally impaired patients. This theory states that participants with emotional impairment often made a riskier decision such as financial options even to the extent of bankruptcy.

It is thus an essential note to neglect primary emotion in the decision-making process in an organization. Organizational positions are held by human beings that have a different personality as well as character. Creating a balance between employee relationships and the organization enables to set a standard of the organizational norms that are consistently practiced over time. Regulatory patterns act as guiding principles the create a harmonious relationship within and out of the organization

  1. C) What are the ethical factors of fairness and ethics that you are evaluating in your decision?



Fairness and honesty

Fairness as well as honesty are the heart of any business organization ethics and are vital in the decision-making process. Organizational employees are at all times expected to follow all applicable rules and regulation. Likewise, the organization must provide a limit where certain principles are inappropriate regarding the mandate of employees


Communications is also another significant area of ethical concern as it lays a groundwork allowing accurate, honest as well as a consulted decision-making process. It is important to consider that employees are tasked with the responsibility to communicate effectively within their departments. Coordinated communication process also enables employees to work as team members and assist each other on issues that require critical decision making.

Performance measurement

Performance measurement has become an essential tool for evaluating organizational employees’ performance. The organization has been effective in ensuring the consistent achievement of set objective s by instilling performance contracts as well as an appraisal for their employees. Performance appraisal is providing an honest assessment employees performance and mutually develop a plan to improve the effectiveness of employees.

(D) Summarize your decision.  Explain how and why you made this decision.  Is your choice in line with the examination above, or did you rely on personal “gut” instincts, affective/emotions, personal relationships, or personal values?


My decision as a supervisor within this department would be an issue of performance contract to Tom. This performance measure would be necessary to evaluate the ability of an individual employee scorecard to assess his/her performance. It is expedient that the performance contract is provided to all employees within my department to evaluate their performance both as a team and at an individual level. Tom will, therefore, be required to attest to his recent mistakes causing the current company’s high payout on claims. As a department the requirement to ensure that Tom works under supervision from all other four employees who will act in guiding him to on his duties and responsibilities.

(E) Are your faith, values, and spiritual principles challenged or in line with your evaluation and decision?


My values owe their formation to influences such as religious belief, people, family and life events have been very important to me in various decision-making processes. I must restore my department to its expected performance levels. Therefore, my decision to let Tom continue with his duties is not solely based on emotion. It will be costly to replace Tom as there will be training cost involved as a prerequisite to employee orientation. Therefore, allowing tom to continue with his duties is an important decision that will challenge individuals in my department to work together.

There will be a coordinated effort between employees working as team members in this department as I delegate responsibilities on individuals within my department. Employees within my department should foster consultation among themselves before the critical decision-making process. According to my values there is need to give Tom another chance even though the consequences of this action will not be appreciated. My department has, therefore, had no option but rather to conquer with my decision.


Flink, C. (2015). Multidimensional conflict and organizational performance. The American Review of Public Administration, 45(2) 182-200.

Rahim, M. A. (2017). Managing Conflict in organizations. Routledge.


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