Decision Making at Tencent Holdings

Decision Making at Tencent Holdings

Company Profile

Tencent Holdings Limited is a public company that is involved in the provision of internet related services. There are three main ways through this company operates, and these include the value-added services, the online advertising segment, and provision of payment-related services and cloud services both in China and globally(Pierre, 2017). The value-added services are involved in the provision of online/mobile games and applications across various internet and mobile platforms. The online advertising segment mainly deals with display and performance-based advertisements. The services that Tencent provide majorly include music, web portals, social network, mobile games, internet services, smartphones, payment systems, self-driving cars, and instant messaging software service.

Decision Making

Decision making plays a vital role in shaping the direction a company takes and whether it succeeds or fails. Therefore, once the decision-making process is inefficient, the interests of the company are compromised. In most cases, these checks and balances that have been put in place end up benefiting a few unscrupulous individuals(Yam et al., 2014). Countries which have enacted numerous statutes and directives to guide their behavior in various circumstances in most cases end up having undesirable results.

There are two primary approaches to decision making in a company. They include centralized decision making and decentralized decision making. A centralized decision-making process involves strictly letting the executives make all decisions concerning the company at any level. Such a step limits the managers and employees in the lower chain of command to make decisions in the company. On the one side, decentralized decision making in a company allows managers and employees to operate in a way that they see necessary and is very flexible therefore deeming a very open communication.

Tencent Holdings Limited tends to operate on a decentralized decision-making process where the managers of the various departments are allowed to make decisions. The company prefers this approach since it is more flexible, reliable, and faster. Therefore, the decision-making process is conducted solely by senior professional personnel, and this does not happen in the centralized decision-making process(Pierre, 2017).

Decision Making Process

Decision making involves collecting relevant content and the available alternatives to solving a problem and finally arriving at one option. It is a process that involves various steps which include first of all understanding that a decision needs to be made, and this calls for evaluation of data that will be necessary to make a decision leading to an assessment of all the alternatives available after research (Argyrous,2016). The advantages and disadvantages of each choice arrived at should be analyzed so that the company picks the best option only. After this, a decision is made and finally examined to ensure that the impact is felt.

Correspondence of these Processes to those Presented in the Text

The presented decision-making process corresponds to the ones available in the text(Yam et al., 2014). It ensures that the corporate operations are effective and enhance the quality of some of the decisions and processes within the company.

The Efficiency of Decision-Making – Resolution of Problems or Issues

Decision making at Tencent is indeed effective since there are many players involved in making decisions in the various units available in the organization. Overall, it makes handling of problems in the organization simpler and faster since they do not have to wait upon the managerial division to handle each issue in the organization – this is because the decision-making system is decentralized and each manager and employee favors a change in the organization especially if the change affects the organization positively. Of course, this is an advantage in the organization since it is flexible and empowers the employees’ therefore encouraging innovation and improvement in the company (Argyrous,2016).

Enhancing Decision-Making Processes

If I were the leader of the organization or a primary unit, I would implement the use of technology in decision making in the organization. Technology that has proven to be important in decision making in organizations include modules such as Enterprise Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management(Pierre, 2017). Enterprise Resource Planning integrates all the functions of the enterprise such that the enterprise will operate as a single unit. Customer Relationship Management is responsible for managing the relationship between the organization and its customers. Periodical reports produced by these systems, therefore, will enhance the quality of decisions made by managers.


Argyrous, G. (2016). Evidence for policy and decision-making: A practical guide. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press.

Pierre, K. (2017). International Organizations or Institutions, Decision-Making Process. Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, 78(5), 87-94. doi:10.1093/law:epil/9780199231690/e1709

Yam, K. C., Chen, X., & Reynolds, S. J. (2014). Ego depletion and its paradoxical effects on ethical decision making. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 124(2), 204-214. doi:10.1016/j.obhdp.2014.03.008

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